2. Vault D

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"Ok. Guys, this was cool and all this place is cool, but I have to go to work now so..."

"You and your damn job. What do you do do anyway?"

"I'm a military night watch."

"Oh yeah...for the military. No Royalist business there..."

"Royalists and Radioactives aren't real, Emma. Bye!"

"Bye..." whispers Sarah quietly.

It's almost sundown. I'm used to lurking around woods at night, but not from party to work. I wonder what interesting could hapen tonight?

I climb out of the hole and drop the tree trunk on the lid to hide it. It's freezing cold and I think the grass might also be frozen. I pat each tree I pass. On one of the trees I notice some weird glowing goo. It smells and looks like lime jelly smashed on a tree. What is that? I swipe it off the tree and taste it. It tastes like blood... Something starts crowling at me. I quickly turn around and duck. Some white big-cat-like animal jumps at me and crashes into the tree. It turns around and starts to slowly moving toward me and I back off...slowly.

"There...kitty....calm down now..."

More crowls come from that. A tree blocks my path and I'm trapped. I can feel my heart bumping in my feet and palms. The white animal strikes at me, scratches me and than BAM! It falls on the ground. My left arm is all tipped . I slide and sit down...trying to breathe.

"Are you OK?"

"If you can call 'being attacked by a wild unknown animal' ok than yeah...I'm now. Thanks."

"Don't mention it. Let's get you to a hospital right away."

A woman steps out of now here. She's taller than me. Dark yellowish hair and blue eyes. She's in a ninja suit I think...

I stand up keeping my shoulder from bleeding out.

"Got any cloth?"

"No, sorry. I'm Cara by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Cara."

A long moment of silent walking passes. By the time we make it out of the woods I see cops. A hell lot of them. Every corner of a street is blocked by them.

"Your mates?" I ask Cara.

"Kind of, yes."

As we get closer and closer to the cars I see the logo. It's not police. Instead of a badge it has a crown.

"Who are you, really?"


"The hell you are. Seriously."


"This is some prank. I swear to trees and bushes if this is hapening I'm late for work."

"Why do you go to school, anyway?"

"I needed some extra physics lessons. My boss suggested it...wait, how did you..."

"I'm a royalist. I know everything."

"Right...take me to the hospital, please."

She opens a back door of a car and I sit in it. She herself stays behind. As the car starts moving I notice that we're not moving towards a hospital at all.

"Hey driver...where we headed?"


"That's a lot of bloddy help, thanks."

"You are welcome."

My arm spreads the ache around my body like I were hit by a lightning bolt. The vision starts to blurr. I get nauseous and lay down. There's a window in the ceiling and I gaze stars through it. Bretty...Blackout.

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