9. A Very Short Escape.

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It's either been three days or half an hour. Not sure. The room is getting colder and colder with every breath I take. I try to hold my chin back from shaking but my chin is stronger than me.

Douglas wraps both of his hands around me and squeezes gently. I can feel he's cold too. He's shivering, like me.

"Douglas?" I say with tremulous voice.


"How long has it been? I can't feel my legs."

"It's been 26 hours. I'm sorry. I can't do anything about it. I'll go see if it's clear to go out."

"Even if it wasn't I'd prefer to die in the hands of Farkas rather than freeze to death."

He doesn't reply. Only starts crawling to the door to open it. He tries to lift himself up to reach the handle and pulls it. The door falls open and I can feel the warm air blowing right into my face.


"Indeed." he replies.

He puts his arm around me again and drags me out of the room like a dead body. Well....almost dead. I'm as cold as one.

There's nothing left of the old school building. Even the room we were in was moved. It's in the middle of the town. No sign of Farkas...

I can feel the warmth around me and it tires me. I can't help it and I fall a sleep.

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