8. Old Friend.

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You are probbably thinking that my hometown looks like an ash covered waste land. Well...It is, but it has some standing buildings and dead trees there. Ony building that hasn't completely burnt up is my school building. What's up with that?

My target is Emma's locker. I know for sure that she's hideing something...something very valuable to me.

I enter the school building, but not through the door as usually, but the broken down window. The glass tingles under my feet as I walk over the pieces. Luckyli Emma's locker isn't far from where I stand.

The lockers in our school are devided into columns: red, orange, yellow, blue, green, and purple. Emma and I own greel lockers. I have a locker 193 and she has 184.

I find her locker and smash it open with the baseball bat I stole from the gym teacher once.

"Eva? It is you! I knew you'd come back!!"

I turn around and I see Farkas Suron. My classmate who has a major crush on me. He has blonde hir and light blue eyes. He's strong enough to lift me up and hug me, which he does, but he's not as strong as Douglas.

"What the bloddy hell are you doing here?" I ask him. "You live here or something? Put me down!"

He does.

"I'm so happy to see you again!"

His eyes tear up and he starts crying.

"Come on. Man up! A wuss like you shouldn't even be alive after this."

"The only thing that keeps me alive is you, Eva."

"Yeah, ok. Be a lad and go get me a lighter."

"What for?"


"Allrighty than." He skips away with a giggle.

Finally he's gone. He's a pain in the ass, that's what he is.

I look around Emma's locker and find a notebook with scribbles in it. That's the one I'm looking for.

Now, if I want to get out of here without Farkas following me I need to go now.

"Found it!" Farkas yells from the other side of the school.

"Great! Leave it there. I don't need it anymore!" I shout back.

"Just like you don't need me?" he asks as he walks back to me.

"I aaa...I do need you, but not like that..."

"You have someone else. It's clear."

"No...I'm perfectly single."

"There's someone better than me. Who is it?"

"There's nobody. Trust me."

"There is! I know it!"

As he shouts he turns. His hair starts to grow, he starts spitting, the nails grow, he grows wings, a tail, horns. He looks like a furry gargoyle with King Kong's teeth and star-blue cat's eyes. He's large enough and breaks through the cieling and roars louder that an Apollo 11 takeoff. I'm convinced taht even the peopole under ground could hear that.

I grab Emma's journal and run towards the park/forest. It doesn't take longer than two seconds before he grabs me and lifts me into the air. His palm is as big as I am.

"Farkas! Put me down! Don't make me beg!"

He throws me into the cluds for this and catches me and throws me up again, but this time I fall into the arms of a werewolf.

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