18. The girl.

19 0 0


"Excuse me. I'm here to see Eva Frost."

"And who are you to her?" the nurse asks me.

I raise my hand and show her the wedding ring. It isn't actuly mine and Eva's, but mine and Siwang's, my wife's.

"Allright. Name, than?"

"Douglas Frost," I say. That sounds very uncomfortable.

"Allright. Room 612 sixth floor."

"Thank you."

"You are awfully late to see her. Why didn't you visit her during these four years?"

"That's none of your business," I tell her quietly and walk away towards the stairs.

I jog up the stairs and turn left, because that's where the numbers get bigger from 597. I knock on the door 612 and open it slowly.


No answer. I push the door wide open and find a woman siting on a bed staring at me.

"Hi. I'm Douglas Felcar from the FBI," I explain showing my badge, "Are you Eva Frost?"

She nodds quietly. There's a tear sliding down her cheek.

"Do... Do you not remember?" She asks.

"Remember what, exactly?"

"Me..." She replies.

"To be honest I don'the even know you."

"Ofcourse you don't...."

"Hey. I've come here to talk to you about something. I'm actually not allowed here."

"What brings you here, than?"

"Ok. When and where did you last see Farkas Suron?"

"A couple months ago in a burnt down school."

"What did you talk about?"

"You were there... he kind of attacked me."

"I do not recall... He attacked you?"

"Yeah. He went all big and threw me around... You caught me."

"Eva, get real. That is not possible."

"Yes it is. Here, show me your left wrist."

I pull up my sleeve and show it to her.

"See? Right there. This symbol represents the letter W," she sais pointing at the unknown symbol on my wrist.

"How do you know that?" I ask her.

"You thought me that. I have a letter, too. It's F."

She is starting to convince me.

"Open your fist," she then sais.

I do so. She inhales deeply," Are you...?"

"Yes. And happily."

She looks down and nodds.

"Are you always that quiet?"

"No. It just takes me time to...for sentences."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No, it's ok. You can stay if you want to."

A moment of silence and then I suddenly recall a memory of a dream I once had. It was about a month ago, but I remember like it hapened right now.

"You know... I once saw you in my dream."

"Cheering me up, huh?"

"If you want to call it that," I smile, "I have to go now. Otherwiso my partner will kill me. I'll be back tomorrow to ask more questions."

"Okay. Sounds good. Bye."


I wave her good bye as I leave.

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