12. The Trip To Oblivion.

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"How are you going to sit into my car with your bloddy back?" she asks douglas who's leaning onto me to walk or stand up.

"I'm going to sit in the back. I'll be fine."

"Fine. I'm not going to be your mum. Just don't lean on the back of the chair," she replies. She seems really pissed at him. Why, though?

"Here, Douglas, I'll give you my jacket so you woun't stain the chair."

"Thank you."

I help him into the car and close his door.

"Eva. How is it possible that he's that easy to rescue. There's something wrong here."

"Suspicious indeed. I'll find out what his plans are."

"Thank you."

She pats on my shoulder but then immidiatly regrets it. Her hand is bloddy now.

"Maybe you should sit in the back aswell?"

"If you say so."

I smile and sit into the car next to Douglas.

"Where to, laydes?" Emma asks.

"Home," we reply at the same time.

"Allright than."

She turns the car on and starts backing up but then something lifts us into the air.

As the car floats higher and higher I start feeling the pain in my sholder. The injury I got in the very beginning of these supernatural events. The scar on my left shouldier.

"Aahhh...Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!" I start yelling.

Douglas tryes to do something to calm me down but the pain in my shouder...It feels like someone's constantly stabbing me with a very dull butter knife.

"Eva, calm down. Screaming's not going to help."

I can see his tears as I look at him. He's in pain aswell.

"Emma, what's hapening?" he asks.

"Something is pulling us up."

"Like what? Eva, please don't yell...Try to calm down," he holds my left hand and squeezes it to distract the pain in my shoulder.

"It's a large claw. There's a huge ship above us. It's pulling us up."

The car stops floating up and the pain disappears slowly.

"Where are we?" I ask.

Somone opens the back door and grabs me from my shoulders, pulls me out and drops me on the ground. It's a tall african-american and he's pointing his gun at me.

"Well well," he sais putting his gun away. "What do we have here?"

"Who?" asks the man behind him.

"The Incredable Frost."

"No," I stop him. "The Incredable has allready been taken by the Hulk."

"She knows her heroes." he sais and then grabs me and pulls me up.

"Listen here, now. I'm going to call you what ever I want to. My man Frank behind me is also on the higher step as you. You listen and do exactly as I tell you to and you'll do just fine."

He drops me as he finishes but I don't fall.

"If he's Frank who are you, than?"

"I'm Nervé and I bid you welcome."

"To where exactly?" asks Douglas who's barely gotten out of the car.

"The Oblivion, my friend Douglas."

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