15. The false life.

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I'm sitting besides her in the Central City Hospital. She's in a deep coma. I wonder what she's dreaming about. Or is she still alive, even?

I nervously and quickly check the monitor. Her pulse is normal. Thank God!

The doctors keep coming in, checking her and then leaving again saying not a word to me about her status or healt. Maybe just asking me to leave the room. This bothers me very.

A doctor approaches me, tall and handsome, and asks me to sit on a bench in the coridor. I do so and he sits next to me.

"Miss, I have your friend's scans of her brain here. One is from the beginning of the coma and the other is from yesterday," he explains then takes out the scans and shows the to me. One has greenish-yellow tone, the other has purple in the middle.

"See, there's no purple area on this scan and here it is present," he point it with his finger," The purple area means that she has feelings for someone. If she wakes up she will most likely ask where she is or where is that person whom she has feelings for."

"What?" I ask out of confusion," You are saying that she met someone in her dream and now she's in love with that someone?"

"Or she might be on an euphoric trip to mountains and the falls," he calms me and pats me on the shoulder.

"I hope that's the one she's seeing. It's not normal for her to fall in love with just anybody."

"Hey, you can go sit in there with her now. I have someone else to greet with bad news," he giggles and puts the scans back into the large envelope and leaves.

---Sorry, guys, for the long wait and the short chapter. I will pick my shit up and make this right. I'm a lazy person and I find sleep more amuzing. Next chap in 2-3 days...I'll try to make it in time :)

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