6. First Mission.

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"Are we there yet?"

"We'ren't even at the airport yet."

"Can I turn the radio on?"

"It doesn't work."


I try to sit quietly as we drive through the middle of nowhere, but I can't.

"So...you'r name is Douglas, huh?"


"Just asking. How old are you?"

"I'm twenty."

"When did you join the Radioactives?"

"Is this an interview?"

"Yes. Answer my question."

"Since I was seventeen. How old are you?"

"You're odd for a twenty year old."

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for."

"I'm fifteen."

"So young?"

"Well, I can't be older if I was born fifteen years ago."

"True. We're at the airport."

"Wait a moment. I know this place. We're in Ottawa."

He doesn't say a word. He parks the car, we enter the airport, sit on a plane and fly to Moscow. I'm surprised they let him on a plane with a gun. Nothing interesting happens meanwhile.

"Here we are. Russia."

"I hate Russia." I reply. "This place reeks of alcohol and stupid peopole."

"True... but atleas they have alcohol."

"I'm not allowed."

"Right...ok. We'll be staying in a rented house for tonight and then we'll camp in the woods nearby. Meanwhile that we have to steal Royalists' intel from a church, here, in Moscow."

"Got it. Where's the house?"

"Out of the down."

He sits on a stranger's motorcycle and cuts some wires to power it.

"Get on."

I sit behind him with my arms wrapped around him. This just sounded very wierd. Now I feel awkward...

I wonder if he can drive a helicopter aswell?

The drive is longer than I expected...and we're nowhere near Moscow. Plus it's freezing cold. I tighten my grip around Douglas without control, but as I realize I'm doing so I release.

"You allright?" Douglas asks as I tighten my grip again.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"Your arms are cold. You sure?"

"Yah. Are we there yet?"

My voice  quivers as I talk.

"Yes. A copule miles left."

"Moscow isn't anywhere near here..."

"No. We're at the border."

"Which one?"

"Estonia and Russia. Speak any russian?"

"I can only say I can't speak nor understand russia in russian."

"Where you from anyway?"

"Eeh..." I stall "I'm from Estonia?"

"Really? I doupt that."

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