4. The Real Nuclear.

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I can't get any sleep. I stay awake thinking about what comes next. What am I going to do here? Am I any good to them at all? I don't think I'm even ready to kill. Maybe I should look on my plus sides? Lets see here now...
I don't have any.

I'm wide awake and staring at the ceiling. It's 6:55 am. My hands are shivering not of cold, but excitement. I stand up and dress up into the clothes I was given. As I look into the mirror I see that those clothes fit me like ice-cream and waffles. Cool enough. Felcar opens the door and is about to say something, but stops as he sees me awake already. I'm guessing he was about to yell.

"Good, you're awake."

"Yes, sir."

"Don't sir me."

"Yes...Mr. Felcar?"

"Just Felcar is allright. Today's shcetual is on this clipboard."

He hands me the clipboard with the order of activities and time behind it.
1. Gym: running, muscles, stretches, etc. 3h
2. Lab: blood tests, bio check, x-rays, etc. 5h
3. The other lab: logical activity. 5-7h

It's going to be a very long day: 13-15hours.

"Come on. They're expecting you down there."

He sounds a little bit friendlyer than he did yesterday. I'm guessing that's okay?

I follow him down a long hallway and a bunch of stairs. Floor -53 sais the sign on the wall. We're deep down under ground.

He stops at a door. It has muscles written on it. The gym? He opens the door and a big empty room opens up. There's not a single soul nor a strip of light in there. He turns the light on and I now see that the room is even bigger.

"Welcome to the muscles."

"Why's it called the muscles?"

"An old man named Muscles died training here."

"A memorial site, huh?"

"I guess. Ok. Let's start with a warm up... run 5 laps near the walls and meanwhile I figure what to do with you."

"Yes sir."

"Not a military."

"You're like my teacher allready."

"Excuse me?"

"Nevermind. 5 laps, here I come."

The 1st lap feels like 999 meters already. I'm not sure I can run that much. I collapse during 3rd.

"Come on! Get up! Keep going!"

"I....I.....I can....can't....sir..."

"I said don't sir me and get up! If this were a life-death situation you'd be dead!"

"But it...it isn't"

"Do you want it to be?"

He pulls a gun out and points it at my head. I automatically remeber the first time he did that.

"I said: Get up." He whispers of anger. Mood-swings are big on this guy. I push myself up.

"Good. Now continue."

I feel like my lungs were set on fire. Though, he's right. I'd be dead if this were a life-death situation. I continue running and I start feeling better by every lap. Meanwhile running it's common for a person to look around and I see cameras. Cameras everywhere.

I finish my 5th lap and walk up to Felcar.

"Done? Good. That's what I want of you. Let's go for some pushups, shall we? Let's say about ..." he's eyes hover over my body like a ray of heat. "35."

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