Chapter 11: Ireland and Sarah, Comfort for the Future

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(After six years, this book is finally finished. I cannot believe I waited this long and finally finished it. I was trying so hard to finish it, but he did it. This is it. The final chapter for this book is here, and done. Enjoy everyone!)

(Ireland's POV)

       To say I'm excited to see a Dreamer with my country's blood is an understatement! I haven't this excited since I beat up my brothers in our contests! Who wouldn't be excited for that?! I have a Dreamer! More than one! Ha! What does my little brother have?! Only one! I have three!

"Ireland!" she called as I turned around to see her, Sarah!

"Hello Sarah!" I greeted warmly as I waved to her.

She ran down the hallway, holding a notebook and her luggage before she stopped right in front of me.

"I'm so glad to be here! I've been looking forward to this vacation and learning!" she said excitedly.

"Wonderful! I've got a lot to show you!" I said with pride as I patted my chest.

She smiled warmly as she walked in front of me. It still surprised me. She and the other Dreamers were able to forgive us old nations for our mistakes. We should've moved on with ease, but we didn't. We were stuck in the past. It took them to help us move on. I hope our citizens and people can learn from them whenever they learn from the Dreamers.

"Ireland!" Sarah called out as I shook my head and followed her.

"Comin'!" I shouted as I followed her out of the airport.

It wasn't every day a friend comes to visits me. We left the airport and drove her to the hotel first. She needed to rest after a long day of flying from America's place to mine. She took in the sites of my place. The vast green fields, the clear skies, and the cheerful cries of my people.

"Do you like what you see?" I asked her warmly.

"Yes" Sarah answered simply as she smiled at the site.

I grinned. I am so happy she likes this place! I parked my car before the hotel and helped her with the luggage and then entered the hotel. I then realize she picked on the richest hotels in my country!

"How can you afford this?" I asked in a deadpanned tone.

"My parents" she answered simply as she entered the hotel.

Well, she checked in and decided to drop off her luggage at the room as I waited at the lobby. I had myself some cookies and tea. She was going to rest for a bit as I glanced around the room. Everything was fine, but why do I feel like something is off? I am sure it is nothing, but still, I am concerned. Should I call my brothers? Nah, they would throw everything into a panic.

"Ireland?" I heard her voice as I looked up to see her wearing a green dress and shoes while she had a bag, "Are we ready to go?"

"Oh, sure!" I answered her warmly as I took a bow and gestured her to follow me.

We decided to see the city of Dublin first. Since she had never been here before, she should see the busy, lively city of mine! We walked along the stone paths as people were going about their days. People were chatting and drinking together or returning to their homes after a busy day of work.

"What do you think so far?" I asked her as she stopped and held her phone to take pictures of this place.

"Wonderful" Sarah answered warmly.

She then held her own notebook and went to take notes about the scene. I could only smile at her. It is not every day that someone comes to your country to learn about it as well as have a passion for it. As I was ready to follow her, I felt that odd feeling. I turned around to see nothing behind me. What is this feeling of dread I have?

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