Chapter 19: Japan, Nina, and Nerissa: A Goodbye and Hello Beyond

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(Japan's POV)

                  After the Dreamers had successfully protected our world from the forces of evil, the other Nations and I decided to celebrate their personal victory. America was able to get most of them vacations and spend time with their families. As for the Finnen sisters, I decided to treat them to Japan after what happened with Minnie.

"We get to go to Japan?!" they shouted surprised.

"Yes. Most of the Dreamers either preferred to stay home with their families and relax while very few went out of the country. China told me how you two dreamed of coming to my place to see, so I thought I could pull a few strings and take you to my home"

"Yes please!" they shouted at me.

"Well, you would still have to tell our parents about this. They would want to come as well" Nina pointed out sadly.

Nerissa rolled her eyes at the statement. China did inform me about their personal relationship with their mother. I, however, was still determined to make sure they will have the best vacation at my place. I gave them tickets and reminded them to call me Kiku until further notice. It was now the time for them to arrive. I was waiting at the airport for them. I hope their flight wasn't delayed or anything.

"Kiku! Look out!" Nina shouted in a panic as I saw a Pikachu coming towards me.

I quickly caught him and smiled. It is so fluffy! I gasped and looked around. No one was supposed to know about other worlds. After everything that happened, the Dreamers decided it would be best if children knew about other worlds, but they would slowly forget about it over the years when they grow up. I thought it was a smart idea personally. America was not ok with it entirely, but he did support the Dreamers about this.

"Well, was your flight ok?" I asked the two girls.

I noticed Nina was about to fall asleep while Nerissa seemed ok. I assumed it was jetlag. Well, I lead them to their hotel and reassured the sisters that they can call me when they are ready to see my place. I returned the Pikachu to Nina and headed back to my house. It suspected it would take a day's rest for them. Then, I went to the hotel and saw Nina and Nerissa ready to go. Their father was coming with them while their mother went on her own. Does their mother really not like her children that much?

"Where are we going today?" I asked them curiously as we boarded the bus.

"The Pokemon Center!" they shouted in delight.

I starred at them with wide eyes. Do they really love Pokemon that much? I knew Connor and Jodi were experts on it while Logan did have a few Pokemon to use. I wonder why those two love Pokemon so much. I lead them through my subways and took a few trains to Sunshine City. Nerissa was smiling from ear to ear from just being in the subway.

"Why are you excited about being on the subway?" I asked her surprised as I gave up my seat for an old lady to sit.

"I played Persona 5. It is just an amazing experience. I didn't expect this! The details and everything in Persona 5 is astounding. I am just happy to be here and experiencing this!" Nerissa answered me with a smile as she continued to take pictures.

I grinned. Persona 5 was certainly one of my countries greatest video games. It is nice to see someone outside of my country enjoying it. We were walking towards the Pokemon center when Nina let out a scream of delight. I turned towards her scream and saw the Square Enix café.

"I have to go in here!" she shouted as she ran into the café and went up the stairs to the store.

She clasped her hands in delight when she saw the Kingdom Hearts section. Her eyes were shining when she saw the keys. She took Shooting Star and the Kingdom Key. Nerissa gasped in awe as she saw The World Ends With You merchandise. She picked up a Mr. Meow keychain. The two of them purchased the items and then followed me to the Pokemon Center. However, once we got to the Pokemon center, Nina screamed very loudly. I covered my ears as several people around us turned to Nina. She was bouncing up and down in delight as Nerissa rushed pass us to take pictures.

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