Chapter 9: Germany, Prussia, Nerissa, and Nina, A Delayed Flight

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             "Ugh! How did this happen to us?!" Nina shouted annoyed as she sat in a seat in front of the gate.

"I don't know. I thought Mr. Vegas said this would be a direct flight" Nerissa replied as she continued to play Fire Emblem Fates Conquest.

Nina sighed and waited. Their flight from Venice, Italy was redirected to Berlin, Germany. They had to go through customs and it took a while to find their gate. However, Nerissa was on her 3DS while Nina was trying not to be angry. Nina was really tired after their trip to Venice and meeting Feliciano Vargas. He was a nice man, but she couldn't believe the heartless were after him. Nina took out the Notebook and began to write down buildings from Venice. Nina then heard her sister's stomach grumble.

"Hehe, I'll go and buy us some food" Nina reassured her sister as she walked to the food court.

She looked for the food as she passed two people, who were looking at the screen of departures.

"AH! BRUDER! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" one of them shouted annoyed.

Nina shrugged and then stopped at a restaurant and then bought some bags of chips.

"I don't know. It just did" the taller and blond haired person said as he ruffled his hair.

Nina was passing them and then looked at the screen. There were many flight delayed. Nina pondered on this as she walked back to her gate, but she stopped in her tracks.

"Great! Now ve vill be late for the meeting!" the smaller and silver haired boy replied.

Nina summoned Wonder Light as she placed the bag of chips on the ground. The two people looked at her amazed and then heartless jumped out! Nina tapped her comlink and then a bright blue beam shot above her and then she charged at the heartless. Nerissa noticed the blue beam and she closed her 3DS.

"What happened now?" Nerissa groaned as she reluctantly got up from her seat and went to find her big sister.

However, the two men were amazed to see Nina.

"Bruder! Look! They're here!!" the smaller one said excitedly.

"Ja. Ve should vait to see if there is more" the taller one stated seriously.

Nina knocked one heartless down and then struck down another one. Two more were approaching her from behind, but Nerissa shot two energy beams at them.

"Thanks!" Nina said with a smile.

"Sigh. I can't blame this for happening to us, but it is annoying" Nerissa said sadly.

The heartless vanished and Wonder Light faded from Nina's hands. The blue beam disappeared. Nina and Nerissa picked up the chip bags and walked back to their gate like normal while the two men were speechless.

"Bruder! Ve need to talk to them!" the smaller one cried as he ran after them.

"Gilbert!!!!" the taller one shouted as he chased his older brother.

Nina and Nerissa ate the chips at their seat. Gilbert ran towards them and stopped in front of them as he panted heavily.

"Are you ok, mister?" Nina asked with worry as she knelt beside him.

"Oh! He has a cool bird!" Nerissa exclaimed as she saw a yellow bird flying over Gilbert's head.

"Yes, I am fine! The awesome me is ok. SO! How did you kids do that?! Oh, and my awesome name is Gilbert!" Gilbert introduced as he sat on the ground.

Journal of CountriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora