Chapter 17: China and Nerissa, A Conventional Meeting

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(Nerissa's POV)

              I was collecting my bags when I landed in China. It was pretty warm here. My team and I were waiting outside the airport to find China waiting for us?! Why is he here?!

"Hello children! How are you all today?" he greeted warmly.

Oh, my gods. He sounds like my older sister a bit. He rushed over to us as he talked a lot about how grateful he was to be here with us. I walked to push him away and stop him from talking, but I didn't have to.

"Like, you need to stop. This is not ok" Hong Kong said as he pulled China away from us.

Thank god! He was able to keep China silent as he walked towards us.

"We will take you to your hotel and explain to you all where your meetings will be held. Thank you for coming to our home" he greeted as he motioned us to go into the car.

I smiled at the two of them warmly as we boarded the car. There was heavy traffic and a lot of people were running around. There wasn't as much smog as everyone in the States kept mentioning. The car turned towards the hotel and abruptly stopped. I nearly hit the seat in front of me as the doors opened. This was very different. Once my team and I separated into our respective rooms, I decided to call my sister and our parents to reassure them that I had made it to China safety. Though, I was going to have a long conversation with my sister about how China and Hong Kong knew I was coming to China. Before I went to my room, I heard Hong Kong call my name.

"Hello Hong Kong and China, how are you two today?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest in annoyance.

"We are very great! It is so nice to see you again!" China exclaimed as he tried to hug me.

I quickly stepped to the side as China hit his face against the column. I sighed as I faced Hong Kong. He just smiled and nodded his head at me.

"Well, like, are you ready for your meet?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. My group and I have rehearsed our lines and prepared our robot for this meet. Now, why are you two here?" I asked annoyed.

"Nina told us you would be coming to my place for your competition! Of course, we had to come and make sure everything is prepared for you!" China answered as he stood next to Hong Kong proudly.

I knew my sister had something to do with this. Sheesh, I have fought many powerful beings. I think I can handle being on my own in another country for 4 days. I wish she would let me have a little more freedom than this.

"She wanted to make sure you would be safe after the battle you had a few months ago" China pointed out.

It was already 2 months since that giant battle, but even then, my sister clearly saw how powerful I was. She should know I can handle myself just fine. I let out a yawn. Oh, right. I should get some rest.

"We will let you relax. If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to call us" China said warmly as he and Hong Kong left the hotel.

I walked to the hotel and went to my room. I kicked my shoes off, threw my bag into the closet, placed my phone on the night desk, and laid on the bed. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. My teammates woke me up, and we began to work on our robot together. I was able to help my team with the speech and answering questions while the rest of the members were able to make sure our robot was ready. It was around lunch when we decided to take a break though none of us brought lunch. We heard a gong go off and turned towards the doors of the conference room.

"Hello hard working students! How are you today?!" China shouted warmly.

Two chiefs rolled charts in with a lot of food! My teammates rushed towards the food carts and began to pick out food to eat. I was very stunned. How did he know we were going to have our meetings here?! I was ready to storm over to him and demand a reason, but Hong Kong put his hand on my shoulder.

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