Chapter 16: Canada, Soren, and Alex: Adventure, ADVENTURE

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                  Alex and Soren picked up Soren's luggage and went outside the airport. They weren't sure about the other Dreamer, but they felt the Dreamer heading back to America. The two of them were waiting outside the airport. However, Canada and America exited the airport.

"I can't believe those five days are over" America said with a sigh.

"Same here. I just hope we don't encounter another one too soon. The last thing my country needs is more Dreamers trying to destroy it" Canada added as he walked beside him.

Alex and Soren stared at them in shock. America and Canada turned and looked at them. They were quiet for about 5 seconds.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" they shouted in disbelief.

"I live here!" Canada and Alex shouted.

"I came to visit!" America and Soren shouted.

Everyone was quiet again until America stepped up.

"Well! Nice to see you again!" he said with a smile.

Soren nodded while Canada sighed.

"Well, I know Alex lives here, but why are you here Soren?" Canada asked curiously.

"After Alex and I discovered we were related, we decided to spend some time together as distant cousin" Soren explained with a smile.

America smiled at them while Canada was surprised. However, Alex's parents approached the group.

"Ah! Soren! It is so nice to see you!" Alex's mother said with a warm smile.

"Matthew? Nice to see you here! Oh, and you brought Alfred too!" Alex's father said with a warm welcome.

The North America Brothers greeted Alex's parents. Afterwards, the parents took Soren and Alex to the Olympic Village near Whistler Mountain. The drive was long, so Soren was talking to Alex about video games and movies. Along the drive, Alex pointed out the famous movie locations to Soren. It was close to night when they arrived at the house. Soren went to his room and called his mother to reassure her that he was safe with Alex and his family. The next day, Alex's parents allowed them to tour the Olympic village and Whistler mountain.

"Wow! It's actually really warm up here!" Soren said as he took off his blue jacket.

"Yeah! It's as warm as Florida at times" Alex commented as he kept walking ahead.

Soren laughed. However, the two cousins weren't alone. America and Canada were taking the trolley to the top of Whistler Mountain to see the views again!

"Are you sure you don't want to hang out with them?" Canada asked surprised.

"Yeah. I see them a lot. Besides, I want to go skiing with my favorite brother!" America said with a warm smile.

Canada just laughed while the two went up in the trolley. Soren noticed a lot of people running around and going to the shops here.

"Does something happen here a lot?" Soren asked as he looked around the area.

"Yeah. There are many competitions here" Alex explained as they walked towards the trolleys.

However, before they could use the trolleys, Alex sensed something dark coming.

"What's wrong?" Soren asked calmly.

Alex looked around and saw a dark shadow behind Soren! Alex quickly tapped his commlink and created a blue beam. Then he shot a powerful green beam at the incoming attacker! Soren rolled away quickly as he summoned his Kingdom Key. The cousins turned around and gasped.

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