Chapter 1: Canada and Alex, A Destine Meet

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(Canada's POV)

"Mr. Kumaba! Give back my food!" I shouted angrily as I tried to get my sandwich back.

Kumaga and I were enjoying a nice evening together, but Kumachu took my dinner. It was close to six in the evening and I really just wanted to eat, shower, and sleep. My twin brother worn me out and my papa was too worried about what was happening in his country. I sighed. However, I smelled fire! Mr. Kumajiro could too! I opened the door and we ran out towards the source of the fire.

"Mr. Kumagaga! Follow the smell of the smoke!" I urged my polar bear.

We ran towards the smell of the smoke. I gasped when I saw a car that had crashed into a few trees!

"Mr. Kumagato! Please save the people in the car! I'll check the back seats!" I ordered my polar bear.

My polar bear broke the doors to the car and pulled out the couple. I recognized them! It was Alex's parents! I rushed to the back seats and smashed the windows. I unlocked the door and saw Alex knocked out. I unbuckled his seat belt and pulled Alex out of the car. I ran to the side lines and saw Mr. Kumaperro with his parents. I sat Alex on the ground and pulled out my phone. I quickly dialed the hospital's number.

"911! Please hurry! I am on a highway near the border! Three people are injured!" I shouted urgently.

"Alright! We are coming!" a woman replied as I heard people rushing.

After a few minutes, an ambulance appeared and pulled Alex's family into the ambulance. I followed them in my car as Mr. Kumabato waited at my house. I waited outside for them. I needed to know if they were ok. I found myself asleep in a chair, but I saw Alex's parents looking through a window.

"Oh! Mr. Williams! Thank you so much!" Alex's mother said with a smile.

"It was no problem, but is Alex ok?" I asked with worry.

"Yes. He's just asleep. Thank you for saving us!" Alex's father said with a grateful smile.

"May I see him?" I asked them as I looked at the glass.

"Oh, sure" Alex's mother said calmly.

I walked to the room where Alex was supposed to be sleeping. However, he wasn't asleep! He was awake and creating a tiny energy sphere!

"Alex?" I asked amazed.

I haven't seen that power for years! Those children were back! Alex looked up at me and gasped.

"Mr. Williams! I'm so sorry, but please don't tell my parents about this!" Alex pleaded.

"I promise not to, but how come I can see this? Your parents can't" I asked him as I sat down.

"Well, uh before the school year ended, Master Yen Sid had a meeting with us" Alex said slowly trying not to cry.

-Flashback and 3rd person-

"So, if you ever need to use your powers outside of the school, your comlinks will have a blue beam. This blue beam will allow you to use your powers. Only you and your friends can see this" Master Yen Sid explained.

Ben examined the new feature with much interest. The rest of the Dreamers didn’t really care much.

"So, does this mean we have to use this whenever we travel?" Nina asks curiously.

"Yes. Otherwise your world will know that everything they make is real" Master Yen Sid said seriously.

"Ha! He's right! Imagine thousands of gamers swarming us just because they want to meet Mario" Connor joked.

"I wouldn’t joke about that" Jack said with a glare.

The rest of the Dreamers laughed before they left.

-End of flashback and back to Canada's POV-

I guess that makes sense. I won't tell America about Disney being real or that Daddy England was right about his magical creatures. That would make my family crazier than it needs to be. Alex was soon crying!

"No! Don't cry Alex! I won't tell!" I said in a soothing voice.

"I know you won't Mr. Williams, but I feel bad that my parents could be in danger!" Alex cried to me.

I hugged the boy gently. I sang to him softly and felt him relax.

"It's alright. I know you don’t mean to cause them harm" I reassured him.

"Uh, can I please be excused for the next few days from hockey? The doctors told me to not use my feet for a while" Alex asked with a calm smile.

"Of course" I replied as I let him go and sat on the chair.

Alex tapped his comlink and the blue beam disappeared. Alex laid down and slept while I rested on the chair. His parents came in and smiled at their child. I smiled too. I yawned and realized the time. I decided to head back to my house and check on Mr. Kumajake and call America. I can't keep secrets from my brother.

"Uh, I am going to head home now. I hope you will all get well!" I said to the family kindly as I left.

I soon arrived at my home and found Mr. Kumacoco asleep in his bed. I sat on my bed and then grab my phone. However, I soon fell asleep and began to dream about the future. I was with the Dreamers and Alex against a dark foe that seemed familiar. I wondered what would happen to them. I hope they would be ok. Wait a minute, why were my friends and I with them?

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