Chapter 12: Japan and Mary, A New Day

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(Japan's POV)

                      I was allowing one of the Dreamers and one of the Descendants that is a knight to another Dreamer. This was an incredible honor! I had to make sure my country was ready for them! This will be their best vacation! I waited at the airport for them to come. I saw from a distance because they were staying at a family's place. Mary looked so happy and Sadie was pleased to be here. Once the two of them settled with the family for a while, I decided to meet them. I went to a café and saw Mary and Sadie walking around the market.

"Miss Mary! Miss Sadie!" I called out to them.

Mary and Sadie turned to look at me. Mary ran to me and then bowed! Sadie just waved at me.

"How are you?" Mary asked me happily.

"I am doing well" I answered her calmly.

I took them around the malls and markets. They were enjoying their times at the markets. I suddenly had an idea. I took them to a store and it was a dressing room. Mary was smiling when she saw the kimonos. She eagerly rushed to one and Sadie looked at the accessories.

"You can have anything you like. I will pay for it" I told them kindly.

The two girls were shocked, and Mary said "No, Japan! You don't have to do that!"

I shook my head and said happily "I don't mind. I want to thank you. So, please let me"

Mary blushed. She was clearly embarrassed while Sadie just shrugged. Mary picked out a white kimono and a matching white headband. She went into the dressing room and changed into it. When she stepped out, she looked like a white angel. The kimono shined and made her hair much brighter and skin more faire. I smiled as Sadie took a photo.

"Please don't text that to Michael I" Mary said with a slight blush.

I laughed quietly. It was so nice to see her calm and living the life of a normal girl. I was surprised about her and her friends. They were determined to protect us and this world they really love. That's amazing. I smiled and then took the two girls home. Sadie went to the house first, but Mary waited.

"Is everything alright, Mary?" I asked her curiously.

"Do you think our world will be alright?" she asked me quietly.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Our world isn't normally run by magic. I mean future rulers who will lead the world. Do you believe everything will be alright?" Mary asked thoughtfully.

I smiled. I patted her head.

"I know the world will be fine, because you and your friends and the people who want to help will allow a bright future for all of us" I said proudly.

Mary smiled and thanked me. I was grateful to help her and then I went to my house in Tokyo. The next day, I decided to give the two girls a personal tour around Tokyo. The sun rose wonderfully as we walked around the city. The two girls couldn't help but take pictures of the busy capital as the people walked from different locations. The sky turned dark for a moment. I was worried, and I looked up at the sun. It was still shinnying brightly in the blue sky. I glanced at Mary and Sadie. I do not think they noticed the sky change, so I decided to be patient and wait. If I saw the sky change again, I would tell Mary. We ate a Japanese noodle shop for lunch and I saw it again. The sky darkened. I looked at the two girls and they actually saw it this time.

"What do you think it means?" I asked them.

Mary activated her blue beam and waited. The people were ok so far. I looked around for any sign of trouble. I stepped outside, and my friends followed me closely. The sky darkens again, and a dark corridor opened in front of us. Mary ran in front of my holding her twin daggers. Sadie held her wand close to herself.

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