Chapter 20

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*warning: chapter may be a little spicy. A bit mature.*

I tugged on the sleeve of my coat as I walked up the steps of the vampire home. Elliot was testing my limits of comfort and confidence today. He was probably also trying to stir the pot of Ben+Ophelia drama. Not weather appropriate in the December cold, I wore a black v-neck dress. The length was to my knees and there were long sleeves, but it wasn't exactly modest. My breasts where pretty much out and my curves were being shown off for all to see. It was girls night, according to Eliza. We were going to a bar to relieve some stress and have a drama free time, not as if that has ever worked out for me.

I rang the doorbell and there was a near immediate answer. I was expecting Eliza to meet me ready to go and that we'd take off. Instead, i was greeted by Eliza in work-out clothes. "Hey, Bebes! Don't you look hot!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me inside.

"Eliza, weren't we going out tonight?" I asked, obviously confused as she dragged me through the house.

"Hmm? Oh yeah! At 11:30 right?" She continued to pull me through the unlit halls of the never ending house.

I blinked a few times fast, "Eliza, honey, it's 11:45."

"Shoot!" She never stopped, just dragged. We went down a staircase to find a huge basement, no, an underground gymnasium. "Sorry, we just started training. We wanna be prepared if we're ever ambushed by the rabids. Is it okay if we wait a bit longer?" Her hand dropped and she turned to me with a big smile. As she walked backwards she said, "Maybe you can give me some special," she wiggled her fingers at me on the word, "pointers!"

I was hesitant but I followed her, trying to pull my coat closer to my body. "Uh... Yeah, I guess." I was lead to an open mat almost in the center of the gym. I received a few weird glances as I walked past those already training.

Eliza positioned herself on the mat and looked at me expectantly. "So...uh... I guess you should start off by–"

"Yeah, no way." Eliza marched behind me and started pushing my onto the mat. She pulled my coat off. "Don't tell me. Show me what you've got."

I shook my head, "No, Eliza. I'm not dressed for this and I don't want to accidentally hurt you."

She circled me and chuckled. I knew what she was doing, she was antagonizing. "As if you could hurt me! I'm 316. If anything, I'd destroy you." With that, she swiped my legs out from behind, knocking me down with a yelp.

She simply laughed. I huffed as I sat up and unbuckled the heals of my feet, throwing them to the side alongside my coat. "Bring it." Standing up, I waved her on.

Eliza immediately used her speed against me. She pushed me around a bit, but nothing too major until she threw it one big punch towards my face. She never made it though. A thundering sound echoed throughout the gym as her fist made impact with my hand. Heads spun to witness what was going down. Eliza froze in shock. "How... How did you catch that?! I was going too fast!"

I just smirked and pushed her back. She really thought she was going to get me with that hit, and she was obviously thrown off that she didn't. With her brows furrowed, she charged at me head on. As soon as she was close enough, I hiked my dress up a bit for leg mobility and kicked her straight in the stomach. She flew across the floor, the wood screeching against her skin.

There was silence. Nobody moved until Elizabeth got up. She winced a bit at her mid-section but looked up excited. "That was so cool!" She ran over and embraced me in a hug. "I so want to train with you more! No one else can take me... nor do they want to because of Ben."

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