Chapter 18 1/2

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3rd Person POV

Casper glanced through the doorway, faced with the image of Ophelia within Benjamin's arms. His body twitched, his aura not quite right. With a quick smirk, he deadpanned down the hall with dark eyes.

"Yes, Casper. Come find me," a voice rang in his ear.

He ignored the passing glances from his housemates, he ignored greetings. He marched in a trance out the front door. Through the woods he went, barefoot in the snow. In the dark of night and a blizzard nonetheless. The quiet, sweet man began to transform into someone else.

"Closer, Casper. You're almost here."

Black blood began to drip from his nose as his mouth twitched in and out of a sinister grin. But suddenly, he stopped and his usual aura came back. He dropped to the ground on his knees, groaning as if he where in pain. "No!" His fists balled and pounded at the ground. "You will not take me! Not me!" He yelled into the dark. "Not me," this time he pleaded, almost desperately.

The voice chuckled, "I'm sorry, Casper. But it's too late. You're already mine."

A black smoke circled around Casper's shivering body. His body racked with pain, his mouth was wide open with silent screams. The twitching worsened, causing his body to vibrate as if every molecule in his existence was fighting each other.

The smoke turned up towards the sky and dove down back towards Casper, going into his mouth and filling his body. His eyes rolled back into his head and once the smoke had finished, he collapsed.

Silence fell. A deafening quiet — not a sound from the earth, as if it were anticipating what came next. But nothing came. Snow began to cover his still body, inch by inch.

But then the pile of snow moved. And then it moved again until the mound broke apart and Casper dug himself out, brushed himself off and headed home.

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