Chapter 26

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Lola P.O.V

I'm in a huge park, there are all different types of beautiful flowers planted everywhere, there is a big pond that has cute little ducks swimming in it, there are little kids playing all around, there are young and old couple sitting on benches looking at each other lovingly, there are some family eating picnics on the grass, there are teenagers playing football, these place is somewhat peaceful, everyone seems happy. I'm under a tree in the shade wearing a blue sundress, there is a light wind blowing keeping me cool on this hot summers day. I can see a familiar face in the distant it look like my grandmother but it can't be she dead.

Lola: "Grandma"

Lola Grandma: "Lola what are you doing here? it isn't your time yet"

Lola: "What are you going on about grandma, And I thought you was dead"

Lola Grandma: "I am dead Lola and you shouldn't be here it not your time to die"

Lola: "That means I'm dead too,I committed suicide Grandma , are all these people dead too?"

Lola Grandma: "Yes they are and Lola what exactly did you do because I've seen the future and It isn't your time yet dear"

Lola: "I slit my wrists"

Lola starts to fade

Lola Grandma: "Your unconscious your not dead yet dear, I want you to not give up hope, remember what Nathan promise you, he is going to help you with a lot of things honey just you wait and see. I love you Lola and have faith in Nathan he loves you too."

?: "Lola wake up"

Lola Grandma: "Keep strong Lola he will save you"

Lola wakes up in hospital.

Max P.O.V

I have been going round with a picture of Lola seeing if anyone has seen her. I meet this girl called Louise her mum is in hospital and she said she saw Lola in the room opposite her mums last night she saw the doctors wheel Lola into that room. I'm going with Lousie so she can show me where the room is.

Louise: "She in there"

Max: "Thank you so much for your help, he is my number call me next time your free and I take you out to dinner."

Max hand Louise a Peace of paper with his number on it.

Louise: "Thanks and I hope everything turns out alright with Lola"

Max: "Bye:

Louise: "Bye"

Max walks into Lola room.

Max: "Wake up Lola"

Two minutes later Lola eyes open

Max: "Lola, I thought you was dead, The doctors say only your family can take you out of hospital so I can't get you but if you give me your new address we can save you"

Lola gives Max the address.

Max: "The doctor say you have to stay in hospital for two days then they can let you go. So the day after you come out me and the rest of the boys are going to try and save you. Okay Lola?"

Lola: "Thank you Max, Max if you see Nathan in the mean time tell him I love him."

Max: "I will baby girl, I will, I have to go know I need to talk to the others and see if we can plan out how to save you but don't worry we will save you Lola"

Lola: "You promise?"

Max: "I Promise, bye and you hold on okay"

Lola: "Okay bye Max"

I hour Later.

Derek: "What was you thinking, when the doctor let you go I'm locking you in a different room, your not going to pull a stunk like this again you hear me!, if you do i'll let James and Dave rape you!, know listen to what I'm going to tell you to do when we get back!"

Nathan P.O.V

Max has just left from visiting me. He found Lola and he going to save her, he just need to plan it with the other lads and Pandora. Max told me Lola says she loves me. Lola still Loves me. If I wasn't in prison and If Lola wasn't in trouble at the moment I would be the happiest man alive.

Three days later

Derek P.O.V

Lola locked in her room. Lucy is unconscious in our room with petrol poured around her. Logan is tied up to a chair in the living room he is past out. Lola brother and his girlfriend are in a deep sleep with flammable liquid in there room with them.  James and Dave are out and I'm starting a fire that going to burn down the house and everyone it in finally I'm going to get my revenge.....................................................................................................................................


Hey guys what do you think of this chapter, I'm going to update again after christmas. Please vote and comment.

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