Chapter 24

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Nathan P.O.V

I should be let out by know. I been in this cell ages and it really starting to annoy me. I when I get released I'm going to think of a plan to save Lola. I wonder what Lola doing. I wonder if Lola got her proper memory back yet. I wonder if she found out that James and Dave is lying to her yet.

Just then Nathan cell door open.

Police officer: "Come on Sykes it time to meet your new cell mates"

Nathan: "What? I supposed to be let go on bail"

Police officer: "Change of plan you are stuck in prison until your trial sorry mate"

Nathan: "Okay but I do get to call people right?"

Police officer: "You are allowed one call every two days, now come on it's time to see your new cell and your new cell mates"

Nathan follows the police officer to the new cell. When Nathan walks in he see phill and another man.

Phill: "Nathan what are you doing here, your supposed to be looking after my daughter not in prison!"

Nathan: "Phill I need you to sit down"

Police officer: "Play nice boys"

The police officer walks away.

Phill: "Don't tell me what to do! why are you here you should be looking after Lola. Please tell me someone looking after My daughter you don't know what Derek's like! she not safe on her own. Nathan what's happened for you to end up here?"

Nick: "Sit down Phill. I'm sure Nathan will tell you what happened once you calmed down, just breath in and out. I'm nick by the way"

Nathan: "Well you know me and Lola was gong out and.....we made love....and then Tom spiked my drink and I ended up cheating on Lola an-"


Nick grabs Phill.

Nick: "Calm down let him finish"

Nathan: "Lola found out what Tom did  and ran off. A police officer found her and put her in a cell until she calmed down. She was so confused. You see we made love a-"



Nathan: "She got pregnant s-"


Nick: "Shhhhh!"

Nathan: "She got upset and went to see her mum a-"

Phill: "She went to Lucy"

Nick: "Phill shut the fuck up and listen to Nathan!"

Nathan: "We didn't know where she went and I found her but I couldn't save her from Derek he pushed her down the steps. She hit her head I called an ambulance and I wen't with her to the hospital. When she woke she didn't know who I was, she didn't know she was pregnant. The-"

Phill: "What do you mean was pregnant?"

Nathan: "She lost the baby because of the fall. Then James and Dave came th-"

Phill: "WHAT!"

Nick: "Please let him finish"

Nathan: "They told Lola I.......I.......I raped her and she believe them. They took her to live with them. She still thinks I raped her."

Nathan brakes down crying and Phill try to comfort him.

Phill: "Shhh....Nathan her memory should come back she will remember that you didn't rape her."

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