Chapter 25

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Hey guys sorry that I haven't uploaded in a while but my computer has broken and I have to use my friends one and I have also been very busy with ongoing family problems.  Please comment and tell me what you think of this chapter.


Chapter 25

One week later.

Pandora P.O.V

Jay been avoiding me. I know I was wrong to shout at him.. Every time I go to talk or say sorry to him he walks away. All what I haven done this past week is go to work and then come home and get drunk and cry myself asleep. I was starting to like Jay, well I like him since the first time I saw him but I should know better that to love or like someone. The last person I loved other than Jake was Eric. Eric, every time I say or her that name it is like someone is cutting my heart out of me. I get that lump in my throat and then the tears start falling.  Eric was the love of my life but he gone now and that's a story for another time. I started believing that I could love again with Jay but he ignoring me. I'm blocking everyone out at the moment. I wish someone one will love me, I want to be loved again, I want someone to care for me and hold me when I cry. I don't want to wake up alone every day.

Nathan P.O.V

Each day I try and think of another way to escape so I can get to Lola. I love Lola and I promised I will help her with her problems and I'm not going to break that promise. I don't care  if she says she hates me and says she want's nothing to do with me, because I'm going to change her mind. When I save and help her I'm going to show her how much I love her. I'm going to give her flowers each and every day. I'm going to surprise her with jewelry. I'm going to kiss her at least ten times a day.  I love her so much, I'm going to give her so much love. I wish I could hold and kiss her. My week has been okay, Jayne has visited me she was acting weird and dazed though. Siva visited me too, he been telling me what everyone been up to, Pandora is been having a bad week apparently she snapped at Jay and Jay not talking to her now, Siva said he has been hearing her crying,  Tom been clubbing that no surprise, Max has been telling Jake dad Jokes and paying with Jake's ears. Jay has been locking himself in his room most of the time he only goes out his room for food or to use the bathroom. I wish I was there to see whats wrong with my Jay bird and we could have Jathan time to cheer him up. The only thing that has annoyed me this week is Drake because he keeps making passes at me, I wish he would stop.

Lola P.O.V

I'm still locked away in this stupid room but they took the handcuffs of two days ago. They haven't feed me they limit the water I'm allowed. Derek come in every day to taunt me he touches me and promises me that he will have sex with me soon, he says that he waiting for the right day to do it. I'm not going to let him rape me, I will try my hardest to stop him but I'm so week at the moment.Each day I wished for death to come and take me away. Being locked here in this room have given me time to reflect on my life. All what I every wanted in life was love, I never got loved from my mum she has always been cold to me , My dad did love me but he has never been fully there for me, he was either at work or with her brother or mum, the only time he was there was when the hole Derek thing started. My brother has never like or loved me I thought it was a brother and sister thing but I know it is something deeper than that he always picked on me or upset me in some way it made him smile when I cry. Nathan Loved me and I love him, my hearts bleeds for him. I don't know if Nathan still loves me, he did cheat on me but he did give me some happy memories. I loved being in Nathan arms but I know that I will never be in those arms again. I looked around this room and in the bathroom I have found a razor blade. I had enough of knowing I'm never going to get away from Derek. I had enough of feeling lonely. I had enough of wishing for death to come and take me away from the nightmare that has become my life.  I had enough of love being taken away from me. I had enough of being hurt. I decide.

Lola picks up the razor blade and makes deep slashes on her wrists she watches the dark red blood trickle down her pail wrist.

Ten minutes later Lola become unconscious and falls to the floor.

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