Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

 Max P.O.V  4:45 am in the morning

Today the day we rescue Lola. Me, Jay, Siva, Tom and Pandora are going to the address that Lola gave us and pick Lola up and if she isn't outside we will just walk up to the front door and .................., okay so we haven't planned this out very well but we are going to try our hardest to get Lola back. Jayne has to visit someone today so she can't help. I got Jay and Pandora to come out of there rooms and help save Lola. Jay and Pandora are still not talking to each other, i think I'm going to have to lock them in a room and not let them out until they kiss and make up after we save Lola. I don't know what's holding Jay and Pandora back you can tell they like each other the sexual tension between the is extremely high when there in a room together but then won't do anything because of the stupid argument they had, so what they had an argument nobody is perfect. After I sort out Jay and Pandora I'm going to take Louise out on a date. I like Louise we text everyday and she ask me how I'm getting along with the plan to save Lola. Louise seams really nice, I can't wait to see her, she is always on my mind. Louise dosen't know I'm in the Wanted, I don't want her treating me different because I'm famous. I want her to love me for me and not my fame.

Lola P.O.V  4:50 am in the morning

Today the day Max and the others are coming to rescue me. Today I will be hopefully free of Derek. I can't believe my mum married him, can't she see he is evil. He still locked me in this stupid room, he told my mum I'm mentally unstable, which I'm not I may have tried to till myself but that was when I had no hope and wanted to die. I want to live because I got a way out of this nightmare that has become my life and after my hero's have save me then maybe I might have my happily every after that I've always dreamed of.

Derek P.O.V  5 am in the morning

I Take one last look at my master work and I just got to poor a little more petrol then I can light a match and burn this house with them in it. I waited so long for this day to come, I will have my revenge and I will also have all of Lucy money and my sister will have all of Logan's. My family can hopefully have a peaceful life now and we can finally be happy that we got our revenge.

Derek lights the match and throws it into the house and runs off down the street shouting "That was for you Martha".

Jay P.O.V 5 am in the morning

It's five in the morning and me, Max and Tom are all in one car on the way to save Lola. Pandora and Siva are still at the house making a room for Lola and then they will be coming to help us.

Tom: " Jay what's going on with you and Pandora?"

Jay: "How long do you think it will take until we get to Lola's ?"

Max: "About twenty minutes or so  and that gives us plenty of time to talk about what's up with you and Pandora?"

Jay: "Shouldn't we be thinking about how we are going to get Lola?"

Tom: "Stop avoiding the question."

Jay sighs

Jay:  "Fine, Pandora came back one night with bruises on her and she said she fell I didn't believe her, I then spotted red stuff all over her shirt  and hands it looked like blood then she got mad asking why I care and that nobody cares about her, she said it none of my business so I should go to sleep and forget about it. I tell her goodnight then before i leave I whisper I do care about"

Tom: "So why are you not talking to each other, she was probably on her Period or something and she didn't mean to lash out on you. Why haven't you tried talking to her?"

Jay: "She will not let anyone in, she will not let anyone help her, she will not let anyone care for her, until she opens up I'm not going to..."

Max: "Why don't you help her open up? come on J-Bird you love a challenge?"

Jay: "Maybe it's a too big of challenge for me?"

Max: "What if we help?"

Tom: "Maybe he too attached to Nathan and can't let there Jathan romance go, sorry mate Nathan moved on"

Jay: "Wasn't you the one who tried to break Lola and Nathan up. Wasn't you the one who tried to move on to Pandora and got his jaw broken, look Tom you are not great at helping or relationship advice"

Max: "Are you staying away from Pandora because you don't want a broken jaw?"

Jay: "Are we talking about my problems because you haven't got an actually plan to save Lola?"

Max: "Look it may be not the best plan in the world but have you got a better one? and also stop avoiding the question about you and Pandora?"

Tom: " Look Jay  when we get back you and Pandora are going to talk, no if, no buts your talking to each other?"

Max's phone rings

Max: 'hello'

Siva: 'Hey Max it's me Siva, we have just left the house we be in there in twenty minutes'

max: 'Okay, we are about two minutes away we see you when you get there, bye'

Siva: ''Bye'

Lola P.O.V 5:20 am in the morning

It's getting really hot it in here and it's strange because Derek broke the heating in this room and I can here this crackling sound, it similar to the crackling sound fire makes. I tried to open the door but it will not budge. I'm starting to worry because I can smell burning. I walk to the window and I can see smoke coming from the below level to the house. I try to open the window but it wont open it stuck. I look around the room trying to find something to break the window with but there is nothing.

Tom P.O.V 5:30 am in the morning

We arrived at the address Lola gave to find the bottom half of the house in flames. I found a ladder near the garage and I went round the back of the house trying to find Lola we heard screaming from inside so Max went in while Jay phone for help.I stand bye and look in each window finally I see Lola she banging on it, I shout for her to stand back. I find a large Rock and throw it at the window it smashes. I place the ladder against the house while Lola is shouting for me to help her. I climb the ladder and stop when I reach the top.

Lola: "What are you doing Tom help me!"

Tom: "Marry me Lola"

Lola: "What, Tom are you crazy? help me"

Tom: "Agree to marry me and I help you but if you go back on this deal I will Kill you, If you don't agree to marry me then i will not help you and I'll let you burn to death"


Tom looks Lola directly in the eyes and says "Agree to marry me or die Lola, so what it's going to be?"...............................................................................................


Hey as some of you may know Jazzie isn't very well and she has some health problems to deal with and she should be resting but as the amazing person she is she didn't want you lot to wait forever for uploads so she has written out chapters and asking me to type and upload them. The next chapter is the last in this book but don't worry she going to do a sequel and I looked at some of her ideas and it is really good and has a lot of surprises in it. Please comment and tell us what you think of this chapter because Jazzie dosen't think it's a good chapter. Jazzie is also thinking about writing some one shoots.- Abbey xx

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