Chapter 17

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Unknown P.O.V

My dad told me to go to the the hospital and check on Lola. My dad used to be pharmacist/doctor he used to try out new drugs that he was making on his patients and one day he got caught and fired, he now a magician and he can hypnotise people. If Lola knew that Derek is my dad she would of never spoken to me. I been told to drug and hypnotise Lola so she dosen't remember thing and then that when I have to turn her away from Jayne and that boy band. I know they know what my dad did and I going to have to try and stop them getting to Lola. I know half my dads plan and my dad told me to go alone but i'm going to take mine friend with me. My dad has got the doctor who is treating Lola to give her a dose of the drugs so she can't remember and then whe they start working me and my friend will come in and hypnotise her. We will fill her memory with what we want and then me and my dad can get started on the next stage of his plan. We have her mum and her brother under control and soon we will have her under our control.

Me and my friend are just about to go in when I see Jayne. Dame, that Nathan must of told her what happened. What am I going to do my dad hasn't tested the drugs that he gave the doctor to use on Lola and we don't know how much she will forget. Me and my friend has to get to Lola before Jayne gets to her.

Jayne P.O.V

Poor Lola. Nathan text me and told me what happened. I can't believe he pushed her. I can't believe Lola lost the baby. I have to go and comfort her. Is that who I think it is? what is he doing here?


Someone grabs Jayne from behind and puts a cloth over her mouth and nose.

???: "Sweet dreams Jayne"


(hey guys please comment and tell me what you think because I'm thinking about deleting this story)

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