Chapter 15

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Nathan P.O.V

Why won't she wake. I need my princess to wake.I need her to wake so I can tell her how much I love her. I want to marry her, she the only girl for me. I love her and I need her. I think about her all the time. If i lose her I don't know what I do. I was going to tell the fans about her but I was scared that she get hate and break up with me but instead she broke up with me because she confused and dosen't know what she wants. Why the hell did tom have to kiss her? why the hell did tom spike my drink? why the hell did i cheat on her? Why did i run off when she told me she didn't want to be with me, If I stayed with her and talk I could off stopped her going to her mums. This is all my fault. 

The doctor came back and he tried to wake Lola.

Doctor Jackson: "Lola It's Doctor Jackson here can you here me?"

Doctor Jackson tries to wake Lola but it dosen't work. Nathan goes over and pick up Lola hand and kisses it and Lola eyes flicker open.

 Lola: "Where am I? who am I?"

Nathan: "Lola I'm so sorry this is all my fault"

Nathan put his hand on Lola check but she smacks it away

Lola: "Get away form me you freak! I don't even know you!"

Doctor Jackson runs over to Lola.

Doctor Jackson: "Take it easy Lola, you may have some memory loss due to the cut on you head you have a very deep cut, Lola I want you to keep still and calm down"

Lola lays back and starts to cry

Lola: "Doctor why am I crying?"

Doctor Jackson: "Some mother..."

Lola interrupts Doctor Jackson

Lola: "Mothers, I'm pregnant!"

Nathan: "Yes Lola with my baby"

Lola: "What this can't be happening I don't even know you"

Doctor Jackson: "Can I finish what I was trying to say, it involves both of you"

Lola: "Okay doctor"

Doctor Jackson: "Some mothers have a strong connection with there child and Lola you lost the baby and I think that's why you are crying"

Lola Just lies there in shock

Nathan: "Lola I'm so sorry, this is all my fault I shouldn't of run off when you broke up with me, I should off  stayed and then you wouldn't have gone to your mums and her boyfriend wouldn't have pushed you down the steps"

Nathan goes to Lola but she pushes him away.


Nathan: "Lola I love you"

Doctor Jackson: "Nathan just leave Lola be she have some memory lost and me and the nurse need to run some test"


Suddenly some burst through the door to lola's hospital room

(hey guys! sorry i haven't updated in a while but i been busy If you have time please comment and tell me what you think thanks :) )

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