Chapter 4

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-----In the morning---

Lola P.O.V

O.M.G Nathan has his arms around me. He looks so cute when he sleeps and the fact that he is smiling in his sleep just makes my heart melt. I like Nathan a lot but everyone I love I hurt and I don't want Nathan to get hurt. I'm going to go back to sleep.

Ten minutes later Nathan wakes up.

Nathan P.O.V

Aw Lola looks so adorable when she sleeps. I want to be more than friends with her but I don't want to rush her into anything. I'm going to try and help Lola with all her problems but the first thing I need to work on is getting Jayne to listen to Lola. I want to stay in bed with Lola for longer but I have to get up because we got rehearsals.

Nathan kisses Lola on the forehead and Lola eyes opens.

Nathan: "Sorry"

Lola: "It is okay"

Nathan: "I had to get up Jayne said we got rehearsals this morning"

Lola: "I don't know what I'm going to do today I was going to play the grand piano in the music room but you lot have got rehearsals"

Nathan: "Lola you play the piano?"

Lola: "Yes I play when I'm down it cheers me up and I love music"

Nathan: "Your coming to rehearsals with us then"

Lola: "Okay then I best go and get changed"

Nathan: "Okay and I make breakfast then"

Lola: "Are you sure you can make breakfast you did burn a pop noodle once"

Nathan: "Yes I can make breakfast but what do you want for breakfast"

Lola: "I have some cereal because you can't burn that hopefully"

Nathan laughs

Nathan: "Okay and do you want a nice cup of tea with your burnt cereal?"

Lola: "Okay then"

Lola goes to her room to get changed and Nathan goes to the kitchen

-----In the kitchen---

Tom, Max, Jay, Siva and Jayne is in the kitchen.

Jayne: "Nathan your just in your boxers"

Nathan: "You said we couldn't walk around the house naked so I put on my boxers"

Jayne: "So Lola slept in your room last night then"

Nathan: "Yer she did"

Jay: "What happened?"

Nathan: "Nothing me and Lola are just good friends"

Siva: "Well it didn't look like that"

Nathan: "Look I kissed her in the spare of the moment and she kissed me back then she told me she wanted to be just friends"

Tom: "So she doesn't get upset when you kiss her but she gets upset when I kiss her"

Lola walks in wearing a jogging bottoms, a white vest top and some high tops.

Lola: "So were is my burnt cereal an tea then?"

Nathan laughs

Nathan: "Just putting the milk in the bowl and the tea now and you look nice"

Lola: "I don't and Roxy has invited me to dance rehearsals later"

Tom: "You dance?"

Jayne: "Yes Lola dances, sings, paints, plays the piano and plays a lot of sports what time are you going"

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