Chapter 2

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Nathan opens Lola door and see Lola crying on the bed. Nathan goes over to Lola and puts his arm around her.

Nathan: "Care for a shoulder to cry on?"

Lola: "Thanks but you wont understand, you got the perfect life, you in a boy band, you have got people that would kill to meet you, your family loves you"

Nathan: "Lola my life is not perfect, If I have a girlfriend she gets death threats and I get so lonely  sometimes"

Lola: "I get lonely too no one understands me"

Nathan: "Whats wrong Lola?"

Lola: "Everyting"

Nathan: "Well tell me everthing then"

Lola: "Where do I start, My boyfriend dumped me by text and he has been shagging my best mate behind my back."

Nathan: "That's out of order no one should ever do that to you"

Nathan hugs Lola

Lola: "My mum hates me because her new boyfriend has turned her against me I went out off control because no one listens to me. My mums new boyfriend framed my dad for arson and now my dads has got seven years in prison and my dad wants to see me but I don't want to see him because I feel like I let him down."

Nathan: "You have not let your dad down and I will go with you if you want"

Lola: "Jayne doesn't understand me. Me and Jayne hardly talks my brother will not talk to me because he thinks that I don't want my mum to be happy. My mums new boy freind hates me because I wouldn't sleep with him and I haven't told no one so you are not allowed to tell anyone"

Nathan: "I promise I wont tell anyone"

Lola: "And to top it all off I self harm because I can't deal with my emotions"

Lola shows Nathan her cut wrist and Nathan kisses them.

Nathan: "I will kiss them better and I will help with your problems. I'll be your strength"

Lola: "Thank you Nathan"

Nathan looks into Lola blue eyes.

Nathan: "Your eyes are so beautiful don't ruin them with tears"

Lola blushes and looks down, Nathan lifts Lola chin up

Nathan: "Don't hide you pretty face from me"

Lola: "I'm not pretty, I'm ugly"

Nathan: "Lola don't put yourself down your beautiful"

Lola: "No I'm ugly, people laugh about me behind my back"

Nathan: "There only jealous of you because your so beautiful"

Nathan pulls Lola closer to him and his and Lola lips meet.

Lola: "I like you Nathan but you best keep away from me I hurt everyone I love"

Nathan: "Lola"

Lola stormed off.

Jayne: "So.?."

Nathan: "She stormed off again and she told me some stuff"

Tom: "What stuff?"

Nathan: "If she wanted you to know she would of told you"

Jayne: "Tom you go and talk to her she is probably in the back garden in the tree"

Max: "Why would she be in a tree?"

Jayne: "She likes to climb trees when she upset"

Tom: "Well I'm good at climbing trees"

Jay: "Don't hurt yourself Tom"

Nathan: "I go and talk to her again she opened up to me"

Tom: "No mate you had your chance"

Nathan gives Tom an glare.

Jayne: "I'm going shopping, don't let Lola out of your sight and don't burn the house down when I'm gone"

Siva: "Okay Jayne don't worry everything is under control"

Jayne: "Okay but Lola has terrible mood swings and don't let her have any beer"

Jay: "Don't worry I drink it before she can"

Jayne: "I need you sober Jay we have got rehersals in the morning in the dance studio room"

Tom: "This house is so big and I best go and talk to Lola"

 Tom goes to talk to Lola and Jayne goes shopping.

Jay: "Nathan look tell me the truth do you like Lola?"

Nathan: "Okay Jay I like Lola"

Max: "Nathan, Tom likes her aswell"

Jay: "We don't want you falling out over Lola"

Nathan: "Tom can get any girl he wants but If I go for a girl I can't have her...."

Nathan runs to his room crying.

Jay: "I go after him in a minute I give him some time to cool off"

------In the garden----

Tom: "Lola are you going to come down or do I have to come up there?"

Lola: "Why don't you guys leave me alone?"

Tom: "I'm not going to leave a cute girl like you alone"

Tom climbs the tree

Lola: "Tom leave me alone I need time to ..."

Tom cuts Lola of with a kiss. Lola pushes Tom of her and she climbs down and runs to Nathan room...........................

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