Chapter 9

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The party had just started.

Tom: "Hey Lola this is Sadie, she is one of Nathan's old friends"

Sadie: "Nice to meet you Lola"

Lola P.O.V

Sadie looks like a barbie! But if she an old friend of Nathan I be nice.

Lola: "Hey Sadie, Tom where is Nathan?"

Tom: "He is just talking to Jayne"

Lola: "I wonder what he talking about?"

Tom: "Probably how beautiful you look tonight you look stunning in your little black dress"

Lola: "Thank you tom, you look nice too"

Nathan walks over

Nathan: "Sadie hun how have you been I haven't seen you in ages"

Sadie: "Good Nathan missed you a lot though you look fit tonight"

Nathan: "I missed you too and you look stunning in that dress"

Sadie and Nathan hugged.

Lola P.O.V

Sadie better keep her hands of my man. I cant believe that he told Sadie she looked stunning but he didn't say anything about how I looked. I feel slightly jealous.

Lola: "I going to get a drink"

Tom: "I get it Lola what do you want?"

Lola: "Coke please and thank you Tom"

Nathan: "I have a coke too"

Sadie: "I have some coke too"

Lola: "I help you with the drinks if you want Tom"

Tom: "No it is fine I get them"

Tom goes off to get the drinks and he spikes all of them with Vodka

Lola: "This taste different"

Nathan: "It is probably just you"

Lola: "I'm going to dance with Jay"

Nathan: "Don't you want to dance with your boyfriend?"

Lola: "My boyfriend is busy talking"

Nathan: "Sorry Lola, but Sadie and I was really close then she moved away, by the way you look nice"

Lola: "It is okay I understand I'm just going to dance with Jay he looks a bit lonely"

Nathan kiss Lola on the lips

Nathan: "Okay then but remember I want to dance with you later"

-----Three hours later---

Tom had got Nathan completely drunk and Lola drunk but not as drunk as Nathan. Lola was dancing with Max outside in the garden and Nathan and Sadie is in the living room talking.

Tom: "Sadie can I have a word please?"

Sadie: "Sure"

Tom drags Sadie to one side

Tom: "Nathan really likes you and he is only going out with Lola to make you jealous"

Sadie: "Really?"

Tom: "Yes"

Sadie: "I'm going to show him I like him too"

Sadie goes over to Nathan and starts snogging him. She whispers to him asking if he wants to carry on upstairs.

Nathan: "Sure babe"

Nathan and Sadie clumsily kiss there way upstairs.

Tom P.O.V

This plan is working so well now I just have to wait ten minutes and send Lola up there. She going to be so upset and I going to be the one that going to comfort her.

-----Ten minutes late-------

Tom: "Lola have you seen Nathan?"

Lola: "No"

Tom: "Last time i saw him he was looking a bit ill"

Lola: "He might be in his room then I just go and have a look"

Lola goes up to Nathan room to find a naked Nathan and a naked Sadie getting it on.


Lola slams the door and runs to Tom

Tom: "Lola whats wrong"

Tom puts his arms around Lola.


Tom hugs Lola tighter.

Tom: "I'm so sorry Lola, your beautiful and you deserve better"

Lola: "Tom?"

Tom: "What?"

Lola: "He only said i look nice earlier, I think he been planning this all along, Sadie is perfect she skinny, she has massive boobs, she looks like a barbie and then you got ugly me I can see why Nathan cheated"

Lola starts to sob.

Tom: "Your not ugly, your beautiful and Nathan is a jerk"

Lola: "Yep Nathan is a jerk, thanks fall calling me beautiful but I'm not"

Lola looks don and Tom lifts her chin and cups her face, they both start leaning and soon ther lips meet.

Lola: "Is this right?"

Tom: "You tell me?"

Lola: "Well Nathan has cheated on me so I guess it is over between me and him"

Tom: "I sorry if I'm rushing you into things"

Lola: "No your not Tom, I like you a lot and I want to..........................................

(sorry i haven't posted in a while I been busy, love to know your opinions?)

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