26. The Meeting

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Genevieve's POV:

Josie's reaction didn't do well in raising my confidence. I too was surprised when, at the safe house, I'd been told I'd need a wheelchair. Thinking about it though, I guess I had been shot in the leg, but I had no idea what to expect. I told them I could have walked but after falling over about five times and Tae having to pick me up each time, they insisted that I just make it easier on myself.

Anyway, everyone was nice enough, helping me out of the bed, and out into the car. It was just the small things like that, that you wouldn't think twice about doing, that now I needed someone to help me with.

Luckily, Tae seemed to have no problem taking on that job, and he was actually being a great help, rather than overbearing, not he ever was just... He'd even pushed me around the whole penthouse, and we'd checked out all the rooms together.

"You're gonna need physio on your leg," Tae had explained, as we went on the tour, "I can help you if you want."

"Thanks, although...," I said, smiling up at him, not finishing my sentence out of slight awkwardness at what to say. I always seemed to make the conversations awkward. Was it me or him? Probably me.

"No problem," he flashed me a perfect smile.

"Thanks, I mean... for everything," I replied.

He didn't reply, just nodded at me, a small smile on his face.

The rest of the morning was spent doing some exercises for my leg, courtesy of Sebastian, who apparently had some knowledge in the medical field, as well as his brother.

"Theo's a doctor?" I'd asked, incredulously.

"Well, I wouldn't put it that way," Sebastian replied. I didn't know what he'd meant, and I made a mental note to dig for some more information from him, or get Josie to anyway.

When Josie, Theo and Alex had finally arrived from God knows where, I was so happy to see her. We still had a lot to talk about, but I knew, after seeing her ecstatic face, that our friendship was on the mend.

"We were betrayed," Sal begins, after he had called us all in for a meeting, a grim expression on his face, "and we lost loads of our men. And Nick."

I glance at Josie, who's seated opposite across the table from me, sandwiched in between Theo and Alex. She shoots me a weak smile, and I try to reciprocate one back, but I know my eyes tell a different story.

"I don't know how it fucking happened," Sal practically spits, "but it did. Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of me being boss, and it'll never happen again. Josie and Gene, you fought for the family, and you won. I'm more than impressed. You've both proven yourselves as truly worthy members of the Drago Family."

Josie smiles widely at Sal, revelling in the attention as always, whereas I just muster up a small smile.

"But it's obvious you need training. And a lot of it."

Josie's face drops and she mumbles something to herself, Theo rolling his eyes at her. We will need a lot of training, there's no question about it. We survived. Just. And if I'm being totally honest, I have no idea how we did. I think it was just luck. Luck, and... Nick.

"Cato tells me you're good with a gun Gene," Sal says, his dark eyes peering at me.

I gulp, shaking my head.

"Not really, I sort of just... um fired wherever and hoped for the best."

"She's more than good," Josie interrupts, "she took out so many baddies, literally on her first go of shooting. I had to shoot at least like, 4 times before I knocked even one of the baddies out and then-"

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