22. Aftermath

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Salvatore's POV:

"Drive faster," I command, sitting in the back of the blacked out Land Rover, Sebastian and Tae in the front, Elijah next to me. Theo, Alex and Callan had already sped off in their own cars.

Of course it was tonight, of all fucking nights, that something would go wrong, when we were furthest away from the house. I should've left Theo or Sebastian with the girls.

"We're going as fast as we can," Sebastian simply replies, swerving between cars as he rams up the speed.

"Don't talk back to me, si," I grunt lowly, my knuckles going white from how hard I'm clenching the side of the door.

We'd been betrayed.

Fucking betrayed.

Nobody in their right mind betrayed Salvatore Drago.

I was going to hunt them down, and kill them, and everyone they'd ever met.

How had this possibly happened?

I couldn't trust anyone anymore. This family was founded on the basis of trust and now that that had been completely betrayed, it was time to show a side of myself that I had tried to suppress. The only man I can trust right now is Elijah, and I turn to face him to discuss our next steps, his stern face reflecting a similar emotion to mine.

We're interrupted by my phone vibrating.

"What now?" I answer. It's Theo.

"I've finally managed to get through again, they've killed all the fucking intruders."

"They've killed all of them?" I ask, surprised.

"That's what blondie says," Theo replies, his voice as surprised as mine, "and they've made it out unharmed. Well... most of them."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I spit, anger taking over me at Theo's stupid games.

"Gene's been shot," Theo replies.

My stomach drops at his words.

"Is she ok?" I manage to get out.

"Blondie seems to think so, but I dunno how much of a doctor she is-"


"Sorry. Cato's driving Gene to the hospital right now. We're almost there now Sal, but I wish I didn't have to go in this car, Alex is driving me out of my fucking mind, 'is Josie ok?' blah blah blah. How the fuck am I meant to know, I'm not there-"

I hang up the phone and sit there, clenching my teeth, the memory of that tragic night years ago, resurfacing in my mind. The memory is as clear as if it were currently playing before me, and my breath is caught in my throat for a moment.

There wasn't time for emotions, though, and the fact Cato was with Gene calmed me down slightly. He knew what he was doing. Elijah raises his eyebrows to me in question.

"Genevieve's been shot," I simply answer, and Elijah's expression softens. I know he knows what I'm thinking about.

"Who's been shot?" Tae suddenly asks, whipping around to face me.



"I don't know."

He opens his mouth to say something else but I stare at him and he retreats back into his chair, swearing slightly under his breath. Young boys and their stupid affections. He'd get over her soon.

So would Alex, with his childish infatuation with Josie. Everyone knew what was going on between those two, but a relationship with men like us, never worked out. He just wanted her for sex. She was easy, and convenient for him; he wouldn't have to go through the trouble of arranging a whore to come to the house to satisfy his needs.

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