6. Gene's Journey

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Genevieve's POV:

I'm going to die.

I'm going to die.

'This is it,' I think to myself in the dark interior of the back of the car, two men in the front, both with guns.

At least Josie is safe.

I internally wish that it would be a quick death, hoping that my family would at least be able to find my body. I pray Josie is getting help, but something tells me it'll all be a bit too late, and that I'm going to die very soon.

I desperately try to pull my skirt down, grasping for some shred of decency as I face out the window, watching the darkened world go by, which is normally a peaceful time but instead is filled with fear and utter despair.

"FUCK!" Alex says from the front seat, to no one in particular, "they haven't got her yet." He slams his palm against the dashboard, brow furrowing before he turns back to the guy now next to me, whose name I think is Sebastian. There was another guy too, but I don't know where he is.

I just hope that Josie was able to run away and not get caught, otherwise this would all be for nothing.

I had seen her when she had signalled for me to do undo the door, when she had realised that they weren't locked, but I had known that from the moment I stepped foot into the car. It wasn't that I didn't want to escape, I just knew that she had a better chance of escaping than I did, plus it didn't help that my door opened to the road whereas hers opened to the pavement.

I tried not to look at Sebastian, who was glowering next to me. He was driving before but since Josie escaped, he moved to the back to 'keep an eye' on me, as if there was any way I would get out now.

"Theo will get her," he says with an unnerving calm, I try to make a mental note of all the names I hear.

"Theo? Jesus Christ," Alex growls, "how the fuck did we not realise the doors weren't locked?"

"Maybe you should be better gangsters next time," I huff under my breath, suddenly realising my mistake as Sebastian turns towards me, eyes gleaming.

"You don't want to find out what we can do, little girl." His mouth curves into a slight grin at the thought of it. I immediately shrink further into my chair, wishing that I could retract what I said, scolding myself for speaking in the first place.

"You'll be fine as long as you just listen to what we tell you," Alex sighs. I almost could've liked him. He seems much more decent than Sebastian.

"and we're not fucking gangsters," he remarks.

Emphasis on almost.

I go to open my mouth but immediately shut it again as I realise how idiotic it would be for me to even speak. We drive for maybe a couple of hours, pretty much in silence, the men occasionally sharing some hushed words. I zone out though, looking out of the tinted window as we go.

The car suddenly pulls into a side road, then another and another before it reaches a huge set of grand gates and begins down a long road, the sickening feeling building up in my gut as we went, as to what waited ahead.

The car continues on until it reaches an opening in the bushes, giving a full view of the mansion ahead. It was simple yet elegant, almost reminding me of a villa in Italy, but more refurbished. The car circles around a massive fountain, before drawing to a halt outside a set of huge doors, two men with guns standing either side of it.

Sebastian steps out of the car first and walks round the back of the car before opening my door. He gestures for me to get out and I immediately jump out, my skirt hitching again, and I silently curse myself for not wearing something more sensible this morning, as if I knew this would happen. His eyes droop to where my skirt had hitched but immediately raise again, staring calmly at my features, as if I didn't notice.

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