9. The Reunion

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Josephine's POV:

"Gene!" I gulp.

My eyes begin to fill with tears. My friend is alive.

I let go of Theo's arm and make my way towards her, before I'm shoved back by Salvatore.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" He yells, making me and Gene jump. I look up at him in confusion, and after viewing his taut expression, I want to be as far away from him as possible. He looks like a wild predator, and for the first time, I feel like he fits the Mafia Boss role perfectly. I'm so scared, that I don't realise my hand has found my way back to Theo's arm, until I feel his warm muscle underneath it.

"ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!" Salvatore bellows, before he pulls a gun out of his back pocket and points it towards Gene.

I feel as if everything is moving in slow motion, and I feel so dumb and useless not being able to react quick enough. Theo, on the other hand, snaps into action quickly. He pulls out of my tight grip and walks towards Sal, in front of me.

"Woah, Sal, take it easy there, we have... company," he says, gesturing towards me. We catch eye contact, and I see a flicker of uncertainty in his expression, before he turns back to Sal. It only makes me more terrified.

"WHAT IS THIS THEO?" Sal demands, his eyes glazed.

"What do you mean?" Theo asks evenly. How he's managing to keep his cool in this moment, I do not know. Then it hits me he must be experienced in these kind of life and death situations, and I shudder at the thought.

"WHO IS THIS GIRL AND WHY THE FUCK IS SHE HERE? IS THIS SOME KINDA JOKE?" Sal replies, his Italian accent thickening.

"This is the other girl who saw what happened with Alex..." Theo begins, confusion present in his voice.

I decide to butt in.

"That's Gene, my friend. And you are not killing her!" I exclaim, feeling frightened tears pooling at my eyes. Theo's stupid big back is covering me from Sal's line of vision, and I push past him, slowly moving towards Sal, trying to talk some sense into him.

There is no way Gene is dying on my watch.

Sal turns the gun to me, and I feel my face drop.

Ok, maybe we'll all be dying.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" he gasps, the gun flicking between me and Gene. Sal's eyes are wide and it looked like he was having some sort of psychotic break down. "If this is some kind of sick joke, you better tell me NOW!" He demands.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN SAL," Theo yells, glued to the spot and looking at Sal with wide eyes. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Stop it please!" Gene cries, uncontrollably. "Leave my friend-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Sal turns back to Gene, and she screams, the barrel of the gun pointed towards her once again. He angrily wipes the tears that have fallen down his face and his hands shake, the gun trembling in his tight grip.

I don't have time to think twice, before I barrel with all of my body weight towards Salvatore, my hands reaching out for the gun. His body is super hard like concrete, and I feel like I've literally just ran into a wall, however, it was worth it, as a surprised Salvatore drops his gun. It crashes down on the floor, and so do I, the wind knocked out of me. I desperately reach for the gun.

I'm too slow though, and Sal reaches it before me. He picks it up and scowls down at me, still on the ground. Raising the gun upwards, he shoots two bullets towards the ceiling. The sound is extraordinary loud, like a massive firework has just gone off in front of you, and I cover my pained ears, falling back onto the floor. I roll over and look towards Gene who is also trying to cover her ears, but her arms are stuck in restraints to her chair. Her mouth is open in what I can only think is a scream, and I realise mine is too. My ears ring excruciatingly.

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