7. Josie's Journey

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Josephine's POV:

I'm running like an insane person, down the streets of New York, with my arms tied up behind me. 'What a sight I must be,' I think grimly. No one tries to stop me though, and I realise I'm in New York- they must all think I'm just a girl who's gotten loose from the loony-bin. My legs are burning, but I keep running, with no real destination in my mind. Where are you meant to go in a situation like this?

"Hey hey hey, excuse me, are you alright?" I hear a British accent call out, and a strong hand grabs my arm.

I immediately twist around expecting to see one of my kidnappers, and lash out at the man, whacking him with my shoulders, kicking my legs and screeching like a banshee. My eyes widen as I see the man standing in front of me. He's very tall, with blonde hair, darker longish stubble and strong, chiseled features. He looks like he could be an actual Greek God, and his perfect face is twisted, looking at me with concern radiating from his blue eyes.

I snap out of his trance and awkwardly lower my leg that had been heading towards his groin, where I gawk at his obvious bulge.

Oh my God.

"NO I'M NOT! My friend and I just got kidnapped!" I suddenly scream, tears pooling now at the slight prospect of being saved by Hercules himself in the flesh.

I whip my body around then frantically remembering my situation, desperately looking for any of my captors who may be stalking up to me, ready to take me away again.

"Calm down, calm down," the man says soothingly, his voice low, grabbing my shoulders with two large hands, and centering me.

The only thought on my mind in that moment are the size of his hands and how badly I want them wrapped around my neck.

"It's gonna be ok," he looks at me sympathetically, tilting his head, and snapping me out of my dirty thoughts.

"I'm Theo, by the way," he says, his voice lowered and rough. He winks at me.

I'm a bit taken aback by this Greek god of a man, who is seemingly flirting with me now, and relax under the strong grasp of my saviour. He may as well be Jesus to me right now. I sheepishly smile up at him, before saying, "Um, I'm Josie."

"Ah, so you're the feisty one that Alex has a little bittle crush on?" He states, a wicked grin forming.

I look at him bewildered for a second, before I clock what he just said, and the force of his hands on my shoulders feels much heavier than before. This sexy motherfucker is part of my kidnapping crew.

I try to back away, but he follows me, never letting go, until I'm pinned against a wall of a building, my hands still stuck behind my back. He raises one arm so it's resting on the wall besides me, locking me in place.

'This is it,' I think to myself. I should've kept running, I never should've stopped.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I screech, whacking my shoulders at him. He looks unamused.

"Listen," he lowers his face next to my ear, whispering, "I'm not going to hurt you sweetheart."

His hot breath fans the side of my face and I gulp at the intimidatingly close distance, and the delicious smell of cologne radiating from this male model.

"Now be a good girl," he says, his eyes slowly lingering over my body, "and come with me," he finishes, dragging this sentence out so he could move his face to look me in the eyes.

I nervously lick my lips, tears pooling in my eyes once again. I look up at him and violently shake my head, unable to muster a sentence due to the lump in my throat. Just as I had thought I was saved, I was thrown back into the lion's den.

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