11. Josie's New Plan

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Josephine's POV:

Feeling a lot better after my talk with Gene, I head out of her room when Tae arrives. He doesn't look at me, his hostility towards me still very clear, but I hear him tell Gene he's there to take her on a tour of the house. I smile back at Gene, who returns it with a genuine one, and I walk down the hall to my room, feeling a lot lighter and happier than I did this morning, as if a weight had been lifted off my chest.

I open my door, and almost jump out of my skin to see a large figure lying on my large bed with his hands resting behind his head as if he's on a beach.

"THEO, you scared the shit out of me," I scream. "and, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?"

"Well hello to you too gorgeous. I just came in to check out your place, quite a nice view you've got here," he says with his honeyed voice.

"GET OUT CHIPMUNK!" I yell, agitated, swinging the door open and pointing him out.

"I'm not leaving until I've given you the proper 'Theo Scordato' tour of the house," he drawls, grinning. "I know Alex was meant to, but I could sense a teeny tiny bit of tension between you two lovebirds," he laughs.

"Alex and I are not lovebirds. We met like two days ago," I reply, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever you say sweetheart," he says, hopping off of the bed. "Come on."

"No, I don't wanna go with you," I say, shrugging my shoulders and brushing past him. "Now get out of my room."

"Oh, come on Josie. Trust me, I think you'll enjoy my version of the tour, a lot better than Alex's. I can introduce you to places you didn't even know existed" he says, wiggling his eyebrows, and getting very close to me.

"What's your angle Theo?" I ask, ignoring him, and shoving past him again. "Are you suddenly being nice because you're sorry for being a dick to me yesterday and leaving me after you pretty much yelled your head off at me, and then said I was as dumb as I looked?" I scowl at him.

"Listen Blondie, you made me angry last night because you could've got yourself and ME killed. It was stupid trying to take a gun off of a fucking mafia boss," he flashes a fake smile.

"Well, I did it," I reply triumphantly, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yeah, almost," he replies, rolling his eyes, "but Sal still got the gun back, and was pointing it towards us. I didn't want my final moments to be alone with you," he recoils as he says this before laughing.

"Chipmunk, chipmunk, chipmunk. It seems like you feel bad for being such a little bitch to me," I begin.

"I don't feel bad Gorgeous, and I won't take back what I said. You are as dumb as you look," he grins and winks.

"I don't look dumb."

"Look at yourself, you're a blonde bimbo. You look pretty dumb to me."

"That's a stereotype," I spit back, looking at myself in the mirror self-consciously.

"Whatever Josie, don't get all self-conscious now. Just come with me, and I'll give you a tour of the house, and then you can go back to doing whatever it is you were gonna do, like paint your little toenails, or curl your hair," he says flatly.

"No. Piss off Chipmunk," I reply.

"I won't stop calling you nicknames until you come with me," he grins, "Ok let's start. We've got gorgeous, sweetheart, blondie, barbie, princess, tiger, tigrotta..."

"Fine Theo, I'll come with you if you could just SHUT UP," I groan, making my way towards the door.

"Now that's what I thought," he smiles, holding out an arm for me.

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