28. Preparations

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Josephine's POV:

The past couple of weeks had been crazy busy to get everything ready for Gene's birthday in time. Thankfully, Elijah had been a good help. He seemed to know what he was doing, organising this big event and booking a venue with him was surprisingly easy, in comparison to when I'd yelled at the lady on the phone who initially refused to take my booking because they were 'full'.

Other than that, my days had been filled with working out and training, with the other guys coming and going as they pleased. I was practically itching to get out of the penthouse after being cooped up for a few weeks, but I had to remember I technically was still a missing person. Whatever it was that Sal was doing to cover up the whole 'situation', was working, because there had been no revelations in Gene and I's missing person case, at all.

I tried not to think about my family and friends at home, and how much they must be worrying about me. I wish I could just tell them that I'm ok, and that what happened, happened, and now I have this connection to one of the most dangerous mafia families in the world. But, I knew doing that would put them all in danger. I wasn't that selfish. So, for the time being, it was just a waiting game, until Sal decided what he would do with us. Until he decided it was time for Gene and I to be 'dead.'

The guys were a good distraction though. I barely ever saw Sal, and rarely Elijah, but I guess time is money to the heads of a Mafia. However, the other guys were constantly around, and I found myself spending more and more time with Alex, Sebastian and Callan. Cato was awkward around me after the whole pool kiss thing, but he was still sweet. But the person who I spent the most time with, was unfortunately Theo. We always seemed to be bumping into each other at the penthouse and I could hear his annoying laugh practically from all the rooms. We were constantly fighting though, from little bickers to full fledged violence, but nonetheless I could never seem to shake him.

Gene had been incredibly busy too. She was getting physiotherapy on her bad leg, all the while Callan and Tae helped with the training she was currently able to do. The only times we really saw each other was at night, when I'd sneak into her room and we'd talk until the early hours of the morning. She seemed a bit different, quieter, and I found myself doing most of the talking. I guessed it had something to do with her intense days, but also the whole situation we were in. She was closer to her family than I was with mine, so being away from them must've been a lot harder for her. We talked practically about everything, but never about that. It was kind of the elephant in the room.

We still didn't know what was actually going to happen to us. Were we going to be a part of this mafia until it was safe for us to leave? Or were we stuck here forever? I suspected the latter but I never told Gene this. I just didn't see a time when it would ever be safe to leave a mafia. We'd be constant walking targets.

I was just taking the days as they came, and the day for the ball had finally arrived. It was Gene's actual birthday tomorrow, but Elijah and I had thought it would be better if we celebrated on a Friday and then could have a birthday brunch on the Saturday. That's what we'd planned anyway.

Getting ready for a ball would normally have been like a dream for me, but when you have to go with some of the most dangerous and deadly people on the planet, it becomes more of a nightmare.

Sal had agreed to the ball on one condition; that he was able to kill two birds with one stone and do some 'business' at Gene's event. By 'business' I was guessing drug deals or something, but I didn't press as he had given me a practically unlimited budget. He'd said the bigger the better, and I'd run with it.

I run into the large open planned living area of the penthouse, skidding on the marble floor in my socks, just as the elevator doors open, and Alex stands, holding two large boxes, with two racks covered in suit bags behind him. A few more boxes and racks are already in the living room, that Alex had to take a couple trips up and down the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2021 ⏰

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