21. The Attack Part 2

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Genevieve's POV:

Josie and I quietly make our way up the stairs, and to my bedroom, as it has a balcony with the best view, facing the garden, exactly as Nick told us. An easy enough escape route?



Nick and Cato come sprinting into my room, the former runs to the balcony and spots a group of men in black running into the ground floor garden doors that lead to the living room. He swears underneath his breath.

"Ok, listen to me, you can't trust anyone except for the people in this room, got it?" he spits with disgust with the realisation that some of those who had betrayed Sal were supposed to be his closest guards.

"Wait what abo-" Josie begins.

"I didn't realise how many guards had turned," Nick interrupts, "I think it's fucking all of them, so you need to get out of here, fast-"

"What about-" Josie interrupts again.


"Oh," Josie gapes.

"What about you two?" she says pointing to Nick and Cato, "haven't you been trained for this exact type of situation?"

"Yeah, but we don't know how many bad guys there are," I reply. Wasn't it obvious? There was really no time for questions right now, especially ones that weren't necessary.

"Gene's right," Cato says, "plus I normally... hack things, I don't get into fights, that's what we have everyone else for." The nervousness in his voice makes my stomach turn.

"So we're on our own," I say glumly, calculating the odds in my head of our survival. We had a chance, if we all worked together, but it was tiny, considering how many guards we'd have to kill.

"I'll do whatever I can," Nick reassures us, looking at the worry plastered on our faces, "but I can't guarantee that we'll all make it out of here alive."

"Why?" Josie asks stupidly.

I shake my head at her, praying that she get my hint and to stop asking dumb questions we had no time for. She may have been able to use a bat but when it came to actually surviving as a group, she really needed to use her brain, as much as possible.

"I'll stay behind," Nick begins, "whilst we get you two out first-"

"No," I interrupt, and everyone looks at me in confusion.

They didn't understand. I couldn't lose someone again, no matter whether I knew them well enough or not. Never again I'd sworn all those years ago.

"No," I repeat, "we go as a group or we all stay behind."

"But it's eas-" Cato begins, shaking his head as he calculates the odds, the same as me.

"No," I say again, "we all go."

"I agree," Josie speaks up, "all or nothing."

Thank god for that. Josie was known to be persuading.

"Fine," Nick gives in, "listen carefully, here's what we're going to do..."

Nick begins to plan out our potential escape. First going through how we were supposed to get through the group of men amassing outside. We were to shoot from the balcony, killing as many as we could until we felt that it was safe enough for us to escape together.

"Everyone know what they're doing?" Nick double checks, locking the door of my bedroom before striding over to the balcony.

We all nod. We had no other choice right now.

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