19. The Pool

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Josephine's POV:

Sal had said we were to stay inside, with the doors and windows locked, being protected by the guards, until he, and the other guys came back. I was bored out of my mind though, and after scanning my closet and spotting the new bikinis I brought, I decided it's the best time for a night time swim, in the pool I hadn't used yet. I pick out this neon pink bikini, which was extremely showy, just how I liked it. I thank myself for getting a wax the day before we headed off on this history trip, as otherwise I would've been a bush by now.

The outdoor pool is huge, probably the biggest pool I've ever seen, and brightly lit, giving it a beautiful, expensive-looking glow. I place my towel on one of the beach chairs, and I jump in, half looking at my surroundings for any of these intruders Sal was scared of, but the whole garden is quiet and empty, the only sound the crickets in the darkness.

I swim for a bit in the peaceful darkness, the chlorine stinging my eyes. The water is kind of cold, but the evening air is humid, and I float around, looking up at the bright stars in the night sky.

Suddenly, I feel like I hear a rustle somewhere out in the bushes or something, and I quickly stand up, whipping my head around, my wet hair whipping me in the eye.

"OW," I curse myself.

"Josie!" I hear a voice suddenly call, and I practically jump out of my skin.

It's just Cato, he's standing by the side of the pool, his black dress shoes touching the edge of the pool water, looking down at me. He's wearing a kinda beige suit shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, showing off his veiny hands and arms, alongside a dark coloured tie.

He isn't my type, but I love this whole nerdy but hot vibe he carries with him.

"Hi Cato," I smile, swimming nearer to the edge where he is, until I'm holding onto the side and looking directly up at him.

"You're meant to be inside," he says, "you heard Sal's orders."

"I know, but I just fancied a swim," I reply, "I hadn't used the pool yet."

"Josie, Sal wouldn't care about that, and there's an indoor pool you could use instead," he says exasperatedly.

"This one looked prettier."

"Come on, get out and dry off."

"But I'm bored."

"We can do something together inside."

"Like what?"

"I'm begging, you please just get out of the pool," Cato groans.

"Live a little," I laugh, splashing him with a little water, and swimming on my back, out into the pool again.

"Live a little? I've known you for, what, 5 days or whatever, and I feel like I've aged 10 years."

"I can't be that bad," I say, looking up at him innocently.

"Yes, no you are that bad," he replies, half jokingly.

"Fine," I give in, swimming back to the edge of the pool, and I lift my hand out to him so he can help me out.

I'm suddenly overcome with an amazing idea, and as Cato bends down and takes my hand, I pull him into the pool.

He crashes in with a massive splash, getting all his clothes soaked, before he comes up to the surface. For a second he looks pissed.

I laugh, as he looks down at his now soaked clothes, shaking the water droplets off his hair and hands.

"Yes very funny, laugh it up Josie," Cato says, "hilarious."

Then he starts laughing too, and now we're laughing together, as he unbuttons his top button and loosens his wet tie. He bends down and takes his shoes off, chucking them back out onto the side of the pool.

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