1. The Beginning

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Josephine's POV:

I slowly awake, and stretch my arms wide, groaning through the ache of my body, my muscles sore from last night. I grin and roll over to check my phone, sighing at the mountain of notifications I see. Only one seems to stick out.


This is the only thing that excites me, a chance to escape reality with my friends, for two whole weeks in The Big Apple. The added bonus of missing school and the many stresses of exams and homework that came with it, as well as not being in my boring suburban town, only added to my joyous mood, as I scan through the rest of the notifications and deem them unworthy of my time for now. I roll over again, ignoring my aching legs, and snuggle down into the comfort of my blanket.

A sharp clock sounds as my alarm, the one I had put on snooze probably about 50 times, and I groan as I think about having to get up and get ready and pack my suitcase, which I put off, as usual, to the last minute. I shuffle over to a sitting position at the end of my bed and shut my alarm off, suddenly noticing the mess of my room, and the unpacked suitcase lying on the floor- I told myself I'd tidy up and get everything ready last night but something, or should I say someone, had disrupted that plan.

Grinning again, I sigh as I heave myself up, and pad over to my nightstand where I take a huge gulp of water, trying to soothe the pounding headache I have. I nearly trip over a pile on the floor and realise those are my clothes that I'd discarded last night.

A buzzing erupts from my phone, breaking me from my daydream state and I reach for it to see a call from Genevieve- one of the few people I don't thoroughly dislike from my school, although she does have some annoying little quirks. I answer it to a bright, loud voice from the other end.

"Hey Josie, I was wondering if you wanted a lift to the airport as Karl says we'll be going past your house and I thought it might be convenient?"

"Who's Karl?" I mumble, still half asleep, and making my way to the bathroom.

"My family's new driver."

"Oh," I say, rolling my eyes, "I thought your driver's name was Leonard?"

"Well you see, we got a new one last week because... I don't really know why, I wasn't told" she says, "Karl is really nice too but he's kind of quiet."

"Is he hot?" I whisper, pulling open the door, and resting my body against the bathroom counter.

"NO, I can't believe you'd even ask!" Genevieve rambles, "but that's not the point, do you want a lift?"

"Yeah sure, but I still have to finish packing."

"You haven't finished packing yet?" Gene exclaims down the phone, making me pull it away from my ear.

I sigh before answering, "Yeah, sorry I haven't. I was a little... preoccupied last night." You could say that again.

"It's fine, just hurry up ok? We've been waiting to go on this trip for over a year now! We can't be late Josie!"

"Yep, yep, yep," I moan, examining my reflection in the mirror. Grimacing, I splash my face with some water before beginning my morning skin care routine, putting my friend on speaker.

"So, are you getting ready?" Gene asks, stress creeping into her voice.

"Don't worry about me, seriously. I'll be ready," I say, partly convincing myself whilst looking at my tired reflection. Things were always like this with me- last minute, even when everything had been planned to a T. I chug some more water, before resuming my facial care.

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