4. The Party

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Genevieve's POV:

I pace the hotel room, before trying to relax in an armchair, watching my friends getting ready around me. I'm already dressed in a tight, black minidress that I had to borrow because all my other clothes were deemed "inappropriate party-wear" and heavier makeup than I'd usually wear, making me sweat uncomfortably.

I eye my friends in envy, at their excited moods, something anyone should be feeling before a party. But all I can think of are the consequences I could face, the trouble I could get in, the punishment I could face from my parents. I try and push all the negative thoughts aside, but the familiar over-stressing clouds my rational thoughts once again.

Amber and Josie are laughing by the mirror, taking full body selfies, their long legs showing underneath the shortest dresses I have ever seen. Josie is in a tight, deep red dress, with thin straps, and a slit up one leg. Her makeup is dark and seductive, with dark red covering her full lips. Amber on the other hand is in a strapless neon pink dress, that is similarly tight, matching her pink make-up look. I want to go over there and laugh with them, and I could, I know I could, but some invisible hold from my parents still has a tight grip around me, almost suffocating.

I recall my thoughts on the coach, the longing to just step out of my life for a bit, free to be whoever I wanted, do whatever I wanted. 'And you can do that!' I think to myself, 'tonight at the party.' At that moment, my fear slightly subsided, and for the first time, I felt a tad of excitement, pushing away the rest of my negative thoughts.

"Are you guys ready to leave?" Audrey asks, looking around at us.

"Yes," I say confidently, the first to get up. The clock reads 12.30. I notice my friends look at me incredulously.

"Alright then, " Audrey smirks, grabbing my arm, and pulling me towards the door.

Escaping the hotel was an ordeal in itself, as we had to sneak down the corridor individually, so as not to disturb anyone else in the rooms around us. It would be just my luck that during my one act of rebellion, I would get caught and snitched on by a fellow student.

Luckily, our room was pretty close to the elevator, and we were able to sneak down into the lobby, not getting caught. There was a new man at the front desk now, rather than the other one who had welcomed us not long ago.

"Have a nice night ladies," he says, grinning at us. I realise to him, that's who we are, just some random girls, ready to have a night out on the town. That's who we'll be to everyone who sees us tonight. 'No one will recognise me,' I repeat to myself.

Amber and Josie linger behind Audrey, Yvonne, Nicolette and I, casually flirting with the guy at the desk. We laugh at our two friends, before we exit the hotel, and are enveloped by the dark night sky. The tall, high-rise buildings stretch all around us, lights twinkling from them, take my breath away, and I sigh shakily.

Audrey notices, before grabbing my arm tighter.

"Tonight's gonna be great," she smiles at me, and I return it, genuinely.


The walk to the hotel should've only taken about 10 minutes, but we walked at a slow pace, taking in the bright lights of the city as we went. The group of us in our short dresses, makeup and heels were definitely a sight to behold, as we walked slowly to our destination, receiving catcalls from men by the minute. I was uncomfortable, but surrounded by my friends, I felt more confident, almost as if they were a barrier from me and the predators lurking at the street corners.

We finally reach the new hotel, called The Hawthorne, after Audrey's family's surname, and enter the lavish entrance area, which is filled with important-looking people wearing all different kinds of party attire. There is a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, making what should only have been a basic lobby area, seem more like a grand ballroom. 'Now this is my kinda hotel,' I think to myself, looking around in awe.

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