Unus Annus [DreamSMP]

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Uh. It was based off of that channel :) one year, remember death. Slight spoilers! Imagine having serotonin


Pronouns: they/them

Unus annus.

One year.

It had only been a year that they had all known you. Despite you being there for so little time, it felt as if they had known you for years. So, when you left, it was quite unexpected.

It didn't make it better that L'Manburg had blown up, Wilbur was dead, and everything was slowly falling apart again.


Techno heaved a sigh as he sharpened his sword, looking up at the ready to go withers that practically begged for him to build them. A frown etched onto his face as he looked down, focusing on the dark material making up his blade.

He should have never spawned those withers.

"I should've listened to you."


Tubbo gulped as he looked around, refusing to look at the giant hole that once was L'Manburg. He clutched a small bee trinket that [Y/N] had gotten him tightly, knuckles white as tears welled up in his eyes. They had helped L'Manburg build it.

But- but all their hard work had gone to waste.

"I'm so sorry, [Y/N]."


Tommy lay on the yellow grass, eyes dull and a scowl on his face as he stared up at the sky. He could faintly see the outline of a disk and a small smile made its way onto his face. He rose his arm, pointing his index finger toward the cloud.

"Hey, [Y/N]! Look, the disks!"

Cloud watching had never made him so emotional.


"Hey, [Y/N]? Do you want to help me bake a cake?" Niki called out in the empty bakery, turning her head to look at the empty area. Her smile was replaced by a frown and she rushed to make her way out of the building.

She missed when they had made cakes together.


Fundy frowned at the joke Quackity made. It wasn't offensive or anything, but it hurt him that Quackity seemed to cope just how they would. The Mexican seemed oblivious to it, but maybe he knew.

Maybe he was trying to make them proud.


Phil waited to feel the usual weight of them leaning against him as they ranted about what had been bothering them. It was a daily routine, ever since the Sleepy Bois had come to be. It seemed like they were alive and well only yesterday, when they had complained about a tree smacking them when they were on an adventure.

"It's so quiet."

The silence was so disturbing.


George looked around, goggles on the top of his head as he waited for them to arrive at the ruins of the mushroom house they had built together. They had done it since it was burnt down, morning the loss of the small base that distracted them from the ongoing festival.

"Come on, George, they're not coming back."

Dream went with him to get George to think realistically.


Sapnap placed with the flint and steal in his hands, a frown on his face as he lit the wooden pole on fire, watching it topple onto the grass next to him. He let out a wistful sigh as he placed the items back in his inventory, watching as the orange flames engulfed the wood with ease, leaving a trail of ash in its wake.

He couldn't stop or reality would hit him head on.


Eret wiped their crown down one last time before placing it to sit on top of their curly hair, leaning back in the throne in their castle. A storm raged on outside, causing a cool breeze to go through the castle. The brunet closed their eyes, hoping that they would wake up to [Y/N] trying to put up another pride flag.

But it wouldn't happen.


Callahan and Sam watched as Punz tried to draw something in the dirt, occasionally glancing at each other with confusion as the blond rubbed his finger on his pants and stood up. Stepping away from the drawing, he let the two males look at what he made. He had made a mediocre drawing of most of the SMP, with Wilbur and Jschlatt nowhere to be seen.

"Look! It's all of us!"

No, it wasn't.


Wilbur smiled at Friend, leading the blue sheep along the path toward the grave where [Y/N] was buried. Despite the smile on his face, his eyes were blank, giving his transparent face an odd look. His dull eyes brightened as he sat down in front of the grave before taking out a flower. He placed it down, eyes full of hope as Friend sat beside him.

Blue orchids had always been their favourite.

"Hello, [Y/N]!" The ghost chirped, "I don't know why you're here, but everyone told me that you'd be here! I thought you would have been with L'Manburg and taking care of Fundy, but I couldn't find you anywhere!" He sighed before pulling out a blue substance and setting it on the grass in front of him.

"I got you some blue! So, when you wake up, you won't be sad!" His tone was gentle as he sat up, pulling Friend along with him. However, when the sheep refused to move, Wilbur smiled.

"Oh! Do you want to keep them company, Friend?" He asked, tilting his head as the sheep let out a quiet 'baah' of approval. "Okay then. I'll be back to get you some food! Make sure to protect [Y/N]!"

The ghost floated off, leaving the fluffy animal to sit back down and stare at the grave with curiosity. A see through hand shot out of the ground, not at all alarming the calm sheep as a body pulled itself out of the ground. Their eyes immediately met with the sheep's dark brown ones and the two stared at each other before the human like being's face held a soft simper.

They held out their hand, which looked to be covered in ash and various other cuts and scars. Friend nuzzled into the body part happily, causing the ghost to comb their fingers through the sheep's wool.

"Hello there. Are you dead, too?"

It seems they only remembered death.

Memento Mori.

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