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You know,, now it has became common for me to get into trouble. and it is because of the curse which I had got due to Lily. The old lady who earlier used to live beside me had once cursed me because of my sister's terrible mistake.

Long time ago......

When we were somewhat 12-13 years old, we were playing with the ball which hit the pot with a little plant. It was magical..... Actually before me also there was a couple who had by mistake hit the pot but it had just cracked so they just got scolded. But from that day onward she started to that relationships make people blind. So when I broke the pot, she cursed me and all my other lifes that I will never be able to make a family in all my other and this life too. I never got to know why she cursed me in such a way where I could be in a relationship but couldn't take it forward. I mean like if she had problem with relationships, then she should have cursed me for not being able to get into a relation ship. Then later I got to know that, that magical plant was sowed by that old lady's daughter and due to that plant was it that she and her husband were together so many years. So when I broke the pot, I broke their relationship, their family.

And now after thinking about that I realize that what she gave me was what I deserved. And I also think that all these things which are happening is due to that curse. But if it is true then I need to tell Tiyane or else he will get it wrong. No. Wait! But why should I care to tell him about this? I broke officially with him willingly. So that means it wasn't the fault of the curse.

later that day I got call from Mindy."Hello Mindy!!! You called after such a long time.." and then I heard her sobbing. Actually that time no on except me and Tiyane was home. And I don't know what rubbish was going on in their minds. After hearing her sob the situation got tensed and I asked where she was. she was outside Tiyane's house. I shouted "What??? you are outside Tiyane's house??? But why???" When Tiyane heard it, he was shocked too. I hung up the phone quickly and asked Tiyane what was recently going on between them(He and his GF). He said that it had became delicate and fragile. From that I got to know how serious the situation was. Even a single but small thing could break their hearts. I asked,"Didn't I ask you to take good care of her?" Then the bell rang. He said "I can't explain it to you now. First find a place to hide. I will give you good explanation later." He asked me to hide in the store room and then went to open the door. The store room was right in the front of the gate, so I could see everything that was happening. Mindy bared pushing him aside and started to cry. She had came with all her luggage. she asked in anger"Your two-timing, aren't you? Where is she? It was because of her that it took you so long to open the door. Right?Wait! Let me call Rose." I am in real trouble!!! Tiyane tried to stop her but was unable. then my phone ringed. She was terribly confused. she came towards the store room's door and opened it. Yep! I was right there. Then I screamed "Surprise!!". Yes no need to curse me readers. I am already cursed and thus I accept that this was my biggest mistake. She stepped backwards in disbelief trying to forget all things. Trying to wake up from that bad dream which was actually true. It was a nightmare for her. Tears bursted out of her eyes and they flowed as if we had opened a tap. She didn't stopped cry and kept murmuring that I betrayed her. Thanks to Tiyane. If he would have told me what was the reason for their relation ship to become this delicate, I would have given a better solution. Then after crying a little more she stood up and her eyes filled with tears, anger and betrayal she pointed a finger to me and started cursing me. Wait!! its enough!! I don't want to be the most cursed person present on earth. I was hurted as well. If I don't express it, that doesn't mean I am cold-hearted. So for once and all I thought to end it and shouted with tears and anger in my eyes too. Though I don't know why. I said to her"Stop!!! Why are you cursing me and saying that I have betrayed you??? If I wanted to go out with him, then It could have happened long time ago when I loved him. But for your sake I left him." Then she said"Wait.What?? You loved Tiyane and you were already in a relationship when I confessed him? Then why didn't you told me?" So I replied"You know it was because you always helped me reject boys whom I didn't like. And when I liked someone and didn't wanted to reject him you already liked him. So I though it was The time to pay you back. And also if we would have got along well, then also we wouldn't be able to be together as I am cursed for not being able to make a family. And if I do so, then the person whom I love will be harmed too.." (this is an untold part of my story.) They wanted to know about the curse just like you(readers). So I narrated the whole thing. Oh yeah!, by that time all the other people were back too. So even they heard my story. After the story was completed, Tiyane inerrupted me with anger and impoliteness. His position was the same as yesterday. His one hand was taking the support of the sofa's handle and the rest of his body was leaning close to me.His face was too close to mine that our noses were brushing each other slightly. his eyes were right in front of me. He then controlling his anger asked me" Was it due to the curse that you broke up with me." so I answered confidently"Yes!". Wrong answer!!! Yep so My answer was wrong in his perspective as he was expecting other reason for me. But why do people expect so much and that too from me only. He Said in anger shouting on me and feeling helpless as if I am too dumb. Which is actually the truth."You're so unreasonable. " and stormed out of the door in anger with a bit of tears. They all looked at me as if it was my fault. Even my own friends left me took my ex boyfriend's side. I got angry so I shouted and stormed out of the apartment too."Why always me??" But Yuan song came after me.

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