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I helped my sister get inside the house and offered her some water to drink. After letting her sob for sometime, I asked her the reason for crying. She had just stopped crying that after me asking this question to her, she burst into tears again. I said"Lily.... come on! If you don't tell us what the matter is, then how can we help you?" On this she stopped crying and after trembling to speak about four to five times, she mustered all her courage up and with confidence in her voice she spoke" Do you remember the boy from my class named Evan?" I replied"Yes, I do. What about him?""Actually we were dating recently and I didn't told it to you because I was scared you would scold me. But later when you told that you were dating too, I gathered my courage up and was about to tell you about him officially today. But when I went to his apartment to pick him up.............(some sobbing) I found him with another girl. And he said me a piece of trash and a stalker." Then she burst into tears again."Wait a minute but, why were you scared from me? Don't you remember what mother told us? And also what kind of boyfriend asks his girlfriend to pick him up? He was surely either a pervert or a bastard. NO! He was both of them. Though you are actually a piece of trash but he shouldn't have said it to your face. And especially in front of someone. Only I can bully my sister" On hearing me, Lily said"You are so mean. How can I judge my boyfriend when my sister herself is so annoying." Ignoring her I said to everyone (Mindy, Tiyane and Yuan) "Come on guys! Let's beat that bastard up and show what his real level is." So Tiyane said"No! we can't beat him up or else he will file a complaint again us. Instead let's get him into a prank. By observing his behaviour I bet that he might have many more girls in his life. So let's bring all of them together." I thought it was a good idea so we all agreed and took out a list of the girls he had contacted. We even told Lily to text him that she wanted to meet him the last time before she went to USA.

<<prank time!>>

So as planned, Lily invited him to a dinner the same time when we called the other girls for a random beauty tip gathering. But we didn't went there and kept the girls waiting. Soon as planned Lily and Evan entered the restaurant. Being fed up by waiting for such a long time the other girls were packing things up and were about to leave when they saw Evan. They all shouted his name in unison and then looked at each other and said, how do you know my boyfriend? And then they all started to understand what the situation was. They all marched towards Lily with anger. At first, she got a bit tensed but later without any hesitation when the girls asked her who she was, she hugged Evan and said"He's my boyfriend and I am his girlfriend." Then she acted very well of being betrayed and provoked everyone to beat him. Evan was beaten in front of about 50 people and everyone now knew that he was a playboy.

After getting home we all had a sense of accomplishment. We all felt that justice was served just in time. Lily looked quiet happy and was laughing very hard. We all spent time discussing about how he looked when all his girlfriends happened to be at same place as him and that too at the same time. We even laughed on the reaction of his face that he had while our prank. And the best part was that Lily took a photo of him after he had got beaten up and posted it on all her social media accounts saying that justice was served just in time or else the playboy would have ruined many girls lives would have been ruined. We all hide something or the other. Sometimes we hide our emotions while some times we hide our realities. But would you considering it as masking yourself or lying?

You surely might have remembered the times when you had mask/ lied about your real likes and dislikes just to blend in with a group of cool and pretty girls or famous and handsome boys. The times when you would have kept you secret just to yourself when you got into bullying someone else for the same reason as yours. These are some memories which can't be forgotten even if we try to. And later, it makes us rethink about the actions we did in past.

After watching a comedy movie, We decided to sleep. we allowed Lily to stay with us because it was pretty late for her to return home. When I asked Yuan to sleep on the floor, he was annoyed because he had a habit to sleep with me. So he asked me to sleep down and instead refused him by making an excuse that I wanted to sleep with my sister cause it had been a long time. Yuan finally agreed and slept down hugging a pillow and I slept facing my sister's back who was sleeping facing the unique painting that I had put up on the wall. We greeted each other good night and went to sleep. After some time, I suddenly heard someone sobbing. When I took a look around, I found out that Lily was the one who was crying. I motioned her to come in the living room because if we had discussed things there, Yuan might have woke up. I prepared a glass of water till the time she came. I asked her the reason why she was crying and that's when she told that even though Evan cheated her, disguised and cursed her, she still loved him. This why mother told us not to fall in love. And I understand it now after experiencing it myself. After she had calm down we went back to sleep again. Though I wasn't able to sleep if I say frankly. So in my case you can say I went for laying on bed.

The reason for me not being able to sleep was that there were many things on my mind.

We humans are so foolish. We never learn something until we experience it. Thus life lessons can be only learnt once you experience life. But till the time we master in these life lessons, our life is already over. But then learning is important too. It doesn't means to apply everything that we learn.

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