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"You know, I never realized when I really fell in love. After that incident we both had became very close which was actually invisible for others. But on the other hand, I don't what got into Dylan's mind, but he had started chasing me too. This was also a Reason why I got bullied by girls. And I don't know why till now, always someone else comes to save me at the very critical moment. Which actually belongs to Tiyane. One day when I had took Tiyane along with me to the public Library to study, Dylan came there out of nowhere and proposed me. Though he had a bad impression on my mind but later, during the time when we got close, I developed my relationship with him too. So when he proposed me, I had no reason left to say no to him. Though I hesitated for a moment because I was hoping A reaction from Tiyane. But then when he stood there still with his poker face, I got irritated and agreed his proposal. And the most shocking part comes here, he was still not bothered. Not even a bit. As soon as I agreed, I had got my first kiss too. But it was just a small peck on my lips by his as dating is forbidden before graduation. Then Dylan held my wrist and took e outside the library as we had already made a fuss there so the librarian was pissed off. Then Tiyane came out and gestured his hand towards me. I thought that he was asking for my hand so I smiled but then he said"Can you please give me your notes before you leave?" So I pushed him by his shoulder and went away with Dylan. Actually if I say the truth, then I enjoyed more when I was with Dylan because he took me to many place for a vacation. While on the other hand, When I was with Tiyane, he always took me to rome in the campus. Like I can understand that he has financial problems but still, At least he should by me an ice-cream. But not even that. Mindy... is he the same with you or has he made any progress after one heart-break?" So Mindy replied laughing"No, he is still the same after getting duped by a girl." And then we all started laughing. Well what Mindy had said had got him go crazy so he said"Love isn't all about money. It is about feelings." so I said"Oh really? But you don't have that too." He was extremely pissed off so he pouted his mouth, stood up and started to go away when Yuan grabbed one of his hand and said"Can you please wait bro? Actually I have an announcement to make." He was surprise so he became normal, sat down again and asked"What do you want to announce?" He came in between of the circle. He said"I know that today hasn't been a great day and has been a fuss for all of you but now exactly after 2 mins when it will be 12 o'clock I would like to start my new day with a new relationship. " And that's when I knew that his answer was yes. And as expected we got together and started our relationship by giving a small kiss on each other's cheeks. Well I am not sure about the feeling but when all this was happening, the atmosphere felt a bit grumpy. It was as if some one was not happy. And it was no on else Than Tiyane. Actually he had became jealous when I an Tiyane were together. But I realized that only when I returned home and found him pouting. I thought he was angry because I was late and didn't made food for him. But when I served the food he didn't ate it and instead said that instead of cooking for him I should be cooking for my boyfriend. I still remember his expressions. But what else can be done. This is the way our lives are supposed to be, full of ups and downs and full of emotions. In this journey not everything can go according to us. And with my perspective I believe that everything that happens is always for a good cause. So we should think of things in positive way. But not everyone can understand it just like Tiyane. He is still a small child who easily gets affected by small things. I don't know when he will grow up. But I wish that it happens soon. Or else I don't know how long this delicate relationship can last or how long my friend can bear it or elongate it. But everything has an end. Even stretching. I don't want them to break just like a stretched thread. It will be really painful for them. Though I am no expert in it but as I have already experienced it once and that to in a critical way, the feeling which still lasts, gives me a vibe that this story is still left with heartbreaks, new starts and not to forget but an end which will be full of twists and turns just like a hilly road. After announcing our relationship official, we became more cautious as it was just a start and a fear which is mostly there in newbie's who do not know what will turn into what. While I should be free, I am more cautious than Yuan. Just hoping that this relation ends till the time Tiyane gets married. As marriage is now the only hope for my friend to make this relation last long permanently.So I give all my best wishes to them and pray god.

also I would like to request all of my readers to pray for my good fortune too.


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