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I quickly wiped my tears and turned behind. As expected it was Tiyane. I asked him"Are you following me?" Then I tried to face him properly but lost my balance and was about to fall but was luckily saved because Tiyane grabbed me by my arm and took me to the side so that I could rest for some while. But when I sat, I tried my best to not to look at him and kept looking at the surroundings. Then I asked"Well.... what were you doing in the hospital?" So he replied"Actually I donate blood to that hospital on monthly basis. Well your doctor told me that your leg muscle is twisted. She also asked me to give you this ointment." He said as he passed me the ointment. After taking the ointment from him I pretended as if Yuan had called me and pretended to answer the call. I said"Yuan!!!! Where are you? I have arrived at the place you told me to. What!?..." And then I was interrupted by Tiyane. He grabbed my chin and made me face towards him. Then he said"Rose..... that is my phone, not yours." Oh shit!!! What the hell!? Why do I only need to face these situations and that too when I am in weakest moment of mine? I took a glance at the phone and then looked back at him. Now he knows...... Now he knows that I was faking. On seeing no expressions on his face, I started to laugh and tried to think about some excuse. After stumbling in what I was about to say and change after every time I stumbled, his expressions finally came out. He was clearly angry and I could tell this because of his furrowed eyebrows. He snatched his phone from my hand, and waited for an explanation. But as I didn't had that, I took god's name and tried to escape. But as soon as I woke up, He grabbed me from my wrist and forced me to come back again. But this time I was even more closer to him. He turned my body towards him and asked in pain and sorrow"Why are you ignoring me? Didn't you said that we could be friends. Whenever you see me, you pretend as if I am ghost. Even this morning, when I called you, you pretended as if you weren't able to hear me because you were listening to music. But I know that you weren't listening any music as the next moment when Lara (one of the girl who lives in our society) called you, you immediately responded her. Didn't you said we had cleared all the problems and troubles between us that day? Then why?" I was scared and overwhelmed. The feelings which I had managed to hold for such a long time with all my efforts were now washed by just one wave of this emotion. I blurted out all my feelings for him. I said "You think I want to ignore you? It's all your fault. You are the one provokes me to ignore you. If you would have not returned back over here, I would have easily spent my life. But here you are again. Not even more than a year has spent that you came back into my life. It is just like once an earthquake came, it stopped and gave some time to the people to come back to their initial stage, and the next moment gifted tsunami to them. Isn't it obvious? Can't you see it written all over my face? Can't you understand me even after being with me for such a long time? I LOVE YOU!!! You were the only one whom I kept thinking about all this one year. You were, are and will always be the only one who I loved. Your space in my heart is permanent. I can't let someone else in even if I want to. What can I do? The first time we met, You blurted it out all on me as if I was the only one who was on fault. Also I was extremely worried about your and Mindy's relationship when it was about to break. I couldn't sleep for days thinking about how would you be doing.Just so that I could avoid you, I asked Yuan to date me. though it was conditional, but he really fell in love with me. So even though I didn't Loved him, I pretended To not hurt his feelings. At each and every step of my life, I am always wondering about others and how would they be affected. I don't know how to care about myself. For others, I can do anything and can also suffer through pain if it makes someone else happy. So if I was ignoring you, it was for your own good. Cause whatever I think is for others only." Tears ran from my eyes as if someone had left the tap open. Though my heart felt heavy, the pain I was going through at that time was unbearable. I don't know what happened but then, Tiyane came close to me and kissed me. It was a small kiss. Just about 5 seconds. I could feel my whole body burn. He slowly took one of my flicks back from my face and brushed his hand against my cheeks. He said "Sorry for troubling you so much. I didn't knew about all these things and was only thinking about myself. From now on, right after the time I leave you home, you can ignore me as much as you want. I will take good care of Mindy and won't trouble you anymore." My heart felt as if it was about to burst. Even though I had blurted all the things out that I kept just to my heart, but still something didn't felt right. He gave me a piggy back ride to home. On the way i felt asleep. I twas only at night that I opened my eyes when the door bell rang. I scratched my head and looked around my surroundings. I was in my room lying on the bed. One of the sleeves of my leggings were up-folded and strong smell could be smelled. It was of the ointment. I slowly down- folded the leggings and tried to stand up. That's when yuan shouted"Don't stand up!!! There is lava on the floor!!!" I got scared and lifted my body on the strength of my palm and scrouched back. Then I looked down and asked Yuan where the lava was. So he came in with water, brushed his hand against my hair and said "I wasn't talking about real lava. Haven't you ever played the game 'Lava on the floor'? Well leave about that. How are you feeling now? Tiyane told that you happened to meet him in the hospital and that the doctor gave you pain killer and some sleeping pills you slept on the way so Tiyane had to give you a ride back home. He also told that you are having mild twist f muscle in your leg which will take 5-6 weeks to cure if rest properly. Also the doctor has forayed you to any physical activity." I took the glass from his hand, drank some water as my throat was dry and answered"I am feeling much better. Well can we have some dinner now as I am hungry?" So he laughed and nodded in agreement. Later we had food and went to sleep.

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