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Lies. A thing which is common in all of us. Not single one of us is present on this world who has never lied. Yet people get disgusted when they find someone who lies. Why is it so? Don't they lie to? Some of us lie to hide those bitter truths which can ruin someone while satisfy others. Some of us lie to bring happiness on the faces of our loved ones. Some of us lie just to spend some time with our family. While others either lie for their own pleasure or to hide things which they feel they are guilty about or are embarrassed if made public. But we all have reasons to lie. And from our own point of view, the thing for which we lie is something we are fond of, something which is important to us and something which we can't even think of losing. Others may think that we are annoying because we lie on every little thing, but they don't know the reason behind it. So for myself, I have made a rule to forgive anyone who lies to me and not to question about the reason because you can't know them until and unless you don't know what they are suffering from.

My sister is simply a fool. She never tries to understand others. All she is concerned about is she, her and herself. Today she is again here sober as 10 years before.

<<flash back>>

10 years before..........

It was night and me and my sister were enjoying watching TV after having our dinner. Our mom was busy calling someone again and again. She was frustrated due to something. She looked irritated, as if something was making her feel uneasy. As if something on her mind was eating her so much that she could not bear it anymore. It was 10 o'clock. Me and my sister were feeling sleepy so we were about to go to sleep when the door lock clicked and dad came home. He was probably drunk just like the other days. Something in his company was not right which was putting a lot of pressure on his mind. And to relieve the stress he had been drinking since a month. Even though we were feeling sleepy, we couldn't got to sleep because we had to help our mother get rid of the bastard which had come out of our dad whenever he had got drunk. Mom was looking annoyed. She started saying the things as if it was recording not even a word changing. The thing were told by mom since a month from which I am referring since the time our father started to drink. She said" You have changed. You are not the same person whom I knew. Earlier you were more caring about me and this family, but now, you have became a drunk bastard.What kind of image will our children have for you when they grow up? Have you ever wondered what would they tell about you when they grow up and someone asks about you? You are such an useless father. Have you not ever felt ashamed to come in front of your daughters with this face of yours the next morning when you are normal?" The fight got worse and we were instructed go back into our room to sleep. We kept hearing them fight for rest of the night and without even knowing we felt asleep. The next morning when we woke up. Father was again back to normal him. We asked him where mother was but he stood still like a statue us not knowing what he was exactly looking at. When Lily went near him to take a look at what he was looking, he blocked the way and brushed his hand against her cheeks saying that she had gone out for some days. Then he took his hands back and I saw fingerprint of blood on my sister's cheeks. I screamed and burst into tears. It was very clear that someone was hurt. I burst into tears. They just kept falling from my eyes. My father panicked with the fear that someone might hear me and came to make me quiet. That's when Lily saw our mother's neck was cut. We both screamed and Lily quickly called the police. Our father kept saying that she had committed suicide, but I and Lily took the initiative to take the case further and know more about what the truth was. It was because our mother always told us not to trust this unworthy world which was filled with liars. The results of the investigation were out and It was declared a murder. I didn't knew until Lily came home crying because the police official had told her that our father's DNA was matching with the DNA of the person who killed our mother. And why was this told to her? It was because the police official thought that I might won't be able to cope up with the situation. But it was clearly proved wrong. Lily said "Rose.. our father lied to us. Our mother didn't attempted suicide. She was killed by him (our father). He is a killer" Well this is really confusing because the case is different.

<<at home>>

Actually I was cleaning after so many days of investigation and that's when I found a note in the washroom. It was by mom. Her note went off like this:

"Dear children,

If you are reading this note then this means that I am already dead. I never wanted to leave you. But I am sorry because I quit. Our lives are competitions with infinite roads, problems and ups and downs. And in this competition some either die with regrets and tons of efforts which isn't appreciated, while others aren't able to bear it and cope up with it. I am one of them.

Even though I am not with you physically, but I will always keep looking after . Also remember the thing which I always used to say. Don't trust anyone in this world. Don't give your life's control to anyone else just like you father did. Believe yourself only. Don't even believe in your family also, because all of us present on this world are liars.

This life is all about pretense. The ones who get along, live well. While others are innocent like us. Not entirely but some part. Leave your father after you graduate and focus on your career only. Never make the mistake of making things permanent in your life. Let everything be temporary. Even your presence. For now become support for each other till you become independent.

And that's all for now. But don't forget that not everyone are good in this world. And other thing which you shouldn't do is to fall in love. It is just a feeling which emotionally affects you. It would break you from inside and make you weak. It will make you sacrifice which you shouldn't do and in end would give your life regrets to live with. So live your life to the fullest and don't let regrets take shelter in your mind.

Bye Darling. I love you and will always keep loving you."

<<back to past>>

I told her about the note. And that's when there was the beginning of the mystery which could be solved by the Souls and Powers which were around us only. This was something which was destined to be incomplete just like my love.


This is all for this chapter. Thank you for reading. But before leaving there are some question which I would like you to think of.

Was the presence of their mother a lie? Or was the postmortem a lie? Was it their father who lied? Or was it that note which no one knows where it came from? Even though the world is full of lies, why do only some specific lies bother us? Are these lies a good result in our life? Or are they something which ruins the situation more than we expect it to be? What would have possibly happened that night and during that time when they were asleep? Why did the fight got this worse that day only? Why not some other day? And what was the reason that out of all days even though the things were repeating, the things got led to such a terrible truth?

Bye everyone and take care.............

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