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The next morning I woke up and stretched my arms high in the air which were feeling good until they were contracting, but as soon as I relaxed, my muscles felt all the pain and tiredness running through them. The doorbell rang. Yuan, who was in the kitchen and was cooking breakfast rushed to answer the door wearing his apron. He removed his apron as he answered the door and just spoke the name of the person I a shocked manner. " Dylan Wang!?" This was a name that shocked me too. The first boy which I had ever dated in my life was him. Not only did we had a great experience dating each other, but also we had the worst experience when we broke up with each other. Our breakup was actually very painful. But let's talk later about it as it is a different story. I tried to hide as he came in. I went inside the blanket. He said to Yuan "Hi friend! Long time no see. Well, I got to know that Tiyane and his girlfriend are here in India too. So if you know their address, we can go there together along with my family. Actually, there are some misunderstandings that I still need to clear with his girlfriend. Who knows if she will be mine again? They are not married? Are they?" He asked. So Yuan answered all his questions one by one and took him to the living room." It is nice to see you again. And as for Tiyane and his girlfriend, they are in India and they live very............. close to us. Also, they are not married yet. Any other questions?" And then he laughed. Dylan gave him company too. After some time, they were about to leave when Dylan's eyesight went to the room where I was committing suicide by suffocating myself even though I didn't want to. He asked Yuan"Naughty boy....... Who is the one sleeping there?" So yuan replied "Oh! She is my girlfriend. But don't talk so loud or else she will wake up." "Let me see her face. Just once, Please......." Dylan pleaded. After many plead Yuan finally agreed and took him along with him. He came and tried to remove the blanket from my face but I gripped it tight so he wasn't able to remove it. Then he tried again so I shouted at him."What the hell are you doing!? Won't you let me sleep and rest peacefully for some time?" After waiting for a long time for some noise, I finally heard them opening the door and going to meet Tiyane. Well that's when it stroked me that Dylan still thought that I was together with Tiyane. I ran to the door and that's when I realized that I was already late because Dylan was in shock. Then he looked at me and got shocked more because I came from Yuan's house. He asked his parents to leave and told the girl next to her to wait. Most probably he was here to invite me for his marriage. He walked towards after stabling himself down. He then said "Rose can we talk something out? Though we have broke up but still I want to clear the misunderstanding between us. She (pointing towards the girl) is my sister, not my girlfriend" :( Oh no! What the hell? would it have harmed him if he would have told me this earlier? This small thing , these three words, if they would have been told before, or relationship would have been far more better than this. But then on this word relationship, I got reminded of my curse given by that lady." I sighed and placed one of my hand on his shoulders, then I said"It is not your fault. Actually I have been cursed for not being able to be in any relationship for the rest of my lives. That day you were probably going to ask if I would marry you, That's why this misunderstanding was created which separated us for such a long time."


The night before this tragedy happened, I was actually soaking myself in the down pour for something which wasn't my fault. This thing was that nightmare of that old lady coming in my dreams and blaming me for the death of their child and her husband. While she is blaming, suddenly a trail of blood starts to come out from her head. she touches that trail and starts shouting "you are a killer!!!" pointing at me. I then look down to see what my hands are carrying and find that it is piece of the broken pot which contained that magical flower.

I was completely drenched but then Dylan was the one who came and gave me his coat and comforted me the whole night. That was a very expensive coat so I decided to get it dry cleaned and wanted to give it to him as a gift. But then when I reach his house, I find his lawn all decorated. I assume that all that decoration is for me and was about to enter when I saw him proposing another girl who is actually his sister. I go ahead throw his coat on his face and then slap him very hard saying "You are a bastard!!!"


I ask him to come in the house and tell him how I and Tiyane broke up and how me and Yuan got together. Then he says goodbye and leaves. I give him a friendly hug and apologize for slapping him and hurting him even without knowing the matter. I also wish him and his family and his future and his success well. This is the only way through which I can compensate at this moment and prove that I am really sorry. Then I and Yuan eat dinner, watch movie and got to sleep as usual.


The day when I and Dylan broke up, I went to a bar and got drunk. I was returning home when some other drunk bastards started touching me and abusing me. I tried my best to push them off me but I wasn't in a state to do that. At that time Tiyane saved me and took care of me until I was over my hangover. The next morning he even confessed me about his love for me which had started long ago. So that is how we started dating each other. All in a hush. 

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