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You might be wondering if this OMG is for something good or something bad. So let me tell you that it is for something really, really good. It's 25th of February today and there are only two days left for my birthday to come. But I wonder if anyone remembers, as these have been pretty tough for Yuan. And Mindy and Tiyane have went on a vacation for few days. Well I don't expect anything grand but I just wish them to come to my birthday and spend some time with me. That is the biggest gift. Don't you think too? Getting some time to spend with your loved ones is the biggest gift for me. By my childhood itself, I have been celebrating my birthdays alone with my sister cause are mm and dad were dead. No one in the school looked forward to become my friend. So, after all these things and ignorance I decided to study hard while my sister worked in places to collect money for me. Finally in tenth itself I got scholarships and different international schools started to have demand for me. There were even many well-known schools like Harvard which were willing to pay my fees as in the form of scholarships. But I wasn't willing to leave my sister alone and think just about myself. So, I accepted to get admitted in the college which was near our house itself. That college was willing to accept me even if I skipped 11th and 12th. So as referring it as the best offer, I convinced myself and tied my buckles up for another tiring year. Then on wards it was very common for me to get scholarships. Though after some years I regretted not going to Harvard, but still I felt that I was taking the action according to my responsibilities which were on my shoulders. For me this was the best choice.

<<time skip>>

Today Yuan came home late. I called my sister but she didn't picked up the phone and just sent a WeChat reply just now mentioning that she is busy with work. Yuan seemed to be very tired so I asked him to change his job just from the point of concern, but this slowly turned from an argument to a big fight. I said "Yuan... you have gone too far. It was just a concern out of will. But you think I am trying to make you leave your job because I think you are not capable of it!? Have you gone mad!? You have been living with me since about a year, yet you don't know what kind of person I am?"

Readers, don't you think it is really unreasonable. Can you even relate? Uh... I am so disgusted!! Just leave it....

We were both angry and then Yuan said something which he wasn't supposed too."Aren't you still in love with Tiyane!? Yet you are using me as you scapegoat!! You don't really love me. Neither did you loved Tiyane. You just loved his money. Same goes for me. You are just like other girls. Love isn't a problem until the boy is willing to spend his money on you."

What!? Really!?

All this time I supported him, hid my feelings for him just so that he could stay happy. But today he is saying this to me!? This is what I get for my good deeds!? then great!!

I had already burst into tears. I pulled opened the door, ran to our neighbours house and as soon as Mindy opened the door, I hugged her tightly while all my tears got absorbed on her sweater. Tiyane cam from behind and asked Mindy using the sign language what the matter was. So Mindy gave him a blank expression which meant she had no idea. Then she pulled me away from herself and asked me why I was crying. So I said "Min,(my short name for her.), I had a serious fight with Yuan." So Mindy motioned Tiyane to go and check on Yuan. She took me inside and asked me what the matter was. I told her everything and said "Do you also think the same way as him? Do you also think that my love is selfish? I have never forced him to buy me anything. And even after spending a year together, we have only went twice for a date. That to was with you. So only on one single private date. Still I have never urged him. Then we had a girls talk and slept. Don't expect me to tell you "girls talk".

The next morning the bell rang and I answered the door. It was Yuan, I was very angry with him. So I folded my arms and looked side wards even though I was facing him. He then explained himself realizing what his mistake was. He said "I am so sorry Rose! Actually yesterday itself I got demoted instead of getting promoted as our boss holds grudges against me due to some reason. So everyone in the office were already making fun of me. So I felt very upset, and it was a coincidence that even you asked me to change my job. So all my anger vented on you. I am really sorry......Please....... Forgive me this one time."

He said it in a very cute manner which couldn't be denied even if I wanted to. So yes, I agreed. And then we had a kiss on their door itself. A small one. Maybe about of 40-50 seconds.

He changed his job and at 12 we together celebrated my birthday. And also Mindy and Tiyane had actually returned early as they were missing us. So after having the cake cutting session we went to sleep as the next morning we were about to take off for 2 days and 1 night Hawaii trip.

<<time skip>>

I wake up in the morning on hearing the door bell and go and answer it. It is my sister Lily. But something is wrong as as soon as she enters her walking style can tell me that she is unable to stabilize her body thus she is all wobbly. And before I can notice the next thing, She has puked on the floor. Wait...What!?


This one is indicating something terrible as she hasn't puked actually it is all blood.

Is this a prank or something? Wait it doesn't seem like.

It is serious you fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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