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I was literally disappointed. It seems that the whole world has grouped against me. And if Tiyane could storm out of the house, so could I. And it was clearly his fault. I should be more angrier than him cause he was the who said that I was too unreasonable. Readers, you only tell me, was I unreasonable? Instead I saved him just in time by breaking up with him before he would ask me to marry him and I would have to reject him. The case would have worsen at that time. Also it will be harder for us to separate after such a long time. Then I heard a voice shouting my name. So I turned backwards and I found out that, that voice was of Yuan Song. He was puffing very loudly and on seeing that I realized that he had been running behind me all this time. As he reached me I asked him,"why were you following me. Look at yourself now. It seems as if you have came after running in a 500 m marathon." Then he said" I was worried for you. That's why I followed you." And then suddenly a car came speeding but luckily I was saved by Yuan as he pulled me with one of my hand towards his chest. It is a secret so don't tell it to anyone. Actually when I was pulled by him, for some momentum my heart fluttered. Do you think this is love?? Just joking.. I have already had the worst experience of love. You know I actually hate pretending as if it didn't matter and also I hate adjusting. Thus it is hard for me to be in a relationship anyhow. Then he looked at me and took a step backward. Then he said"I am supporting you. What you did was right because you considered about my friend's future. Actually he is kinda possessive so it would have been harder if this relationship had gone any further. So thanks.(bowed)" I was shocked and asked him to stop doing that and look at me. Then he observed that he had made that sight a bit absurd for everyone. Scratching his had with one of his hand he said"I am sorry to get you stuck in this awkward moment." On noticing him blush I realized that he was nervous. So I said"Yuan.. would you like to become my friend. As I think we can make a great bond. Also our thoughts match quite a lot." Then I forwarded a hand of friendship towards him. So he did the same and said" It would be my pleasure." After talking for some time with him we walked back to the apartment and met Tiyane who was standing outside waiting for me. When he saw me with Yuan he got a bit confused and asked me what we were doing together. As I didn't thought that it was important, I ignored him and went inside laughing. He was totally pissed off. He he. He came inside storming Grabbed my wrist forcefully and took me outside. He kept pulling me all the way out of the society. Then after taking me to a place he asked me, "Are doing this purposely? Why are you playing with my feelings even after you know them." "I am not playing. Tiyane, I just want that you keep my friend happy and complete your promise. Why don't you understand. Can you please stop messing with my and your life too. Please..." I said. "Do you have someone you like. If you do, then I won't bother you anymore." He said with grief in his heart and tears in his eyes. But somehow, I had to release him from the chains of pain which were still hung to him. So, I said"Yes, I do." He was broken. And now after all, maybe he would move on with his life. His tears slipped from his eyes and slided from his cheeks reaching the ground as destination and the soil absorbing it. He sniffed and wiped his tears. And then he said"Congratulations! You won." Though I felt guilty I still smiled and said"Tiyane. Thanks for making me experience this feeling called love even though it wasn't in my fortune. An we can still be friends. Will you like to become my friend Tiyane?" I bowed and asked him. He said"YES! Of course." Then we again smiled at each other and had a friendly hug. Then we returned back. Mindy was at the gate waiting for him. I looked at her and gave her a look of satisfaction through which I was meaning that everything is fine now. We all gave both of them privacy to sort out the matter and went to my house. At night I asked Yuan Song to come with me to bring takeouts. We walked silently with our hands in the pockets of our jackets. While returning, I mustered up my courage and asked Yuan"Well would You like to go out with me if you are not in relation? I mean like as I have told a lie to Tiyane yesterday, I need your help. But I think its time for me also to move on in my life. So what about we make our pretense real?" He was confused and shy too. Though I was the one who was supposed to feel embarrassed. Not even a word was spoken by him until we reached home. When we were outside the society I took a glance at the time and asked Yuan if he would like to sit in the garden for some while. Then I said"There is no need to hurry for you to give the answer to me right away so take your time and consider it seriously. I just told you my point of view, I am not pushing you. So feel free to discuss about any doubt to me." on this he finally spoke"Actually it is nothing like that. I really like you but I am just thinking that won't it be inappropriate for us to get together? Won't Tiyane feel uneasy? And also what if it affects our friendship?"I giggled on his innocence and pure nature quietly in my mind and with a smile on my face answered his worries."Why do you think it will be inappropriate for us to be together. We are both of same age. And also don't worry about Tiyane. I have already cleared up things with him so it won't affect your friendship also. Come on let's go home. Everyone would waiting for us. Also I am already starving after smelling the fragrance of food." We went home had food and now we were all sitting together when Mindy suddenly got curious about the time when me and Tiyane were dating. She wanted to know about the things we had done together. So I started to tell about those times again continuing the story.

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