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Today I woke up and opened my eyes while stretching my arms. And as my eyes opened, I saw blood all around my white coloured blanket and the white bed sheet. Then I touched my mouth with my first two fingers and found blood on them. I was bleeding. Yuan quickly woke up and took me to hospital. There was some severity in my cancer so they admitted me for observation.

<<time skip>>I am in the hospital and maybe a surgery is going on. As I can see doctors all wearing green coloured gowns and hats with their masks on. Wait!? Is that a scissor? no way!! are they going to cut me!? But I don't need it. And then there is darkness in my life again. <<time skip>>The next moment I open my eyes, I find my love, my boyfriend, Yuan. He is grabbing my hand tightly and is asleep. As I try to move a bit, he wakes up and calls the doctor. He asks me"Hey Rose.... how are you? You have been sleeping since 2 days after your surgery. Somehow one of you veins had burst due to which you were bleeding. You could have died if we wouldn't have brought you in time."Then the doctor arrived and did a checkup and told me to speak some words just to know if it was paining or not. He after all said me to get admitted in the hospital for 2 months. Wait... Why!? I will miss all the amazing things that will happen till then as it is already 29th of October. But I am still fortunate as I wouldn't miss the proposal of Tiyane. Take the names of devils and here they arrive.They came rushing and asked me how I was. How I was? It doesn't matter as even if I don't feel well, I would have to say that I am feeling well. So I said "I am feeling well. Thanks for coming to meet me and take out time for me. I a very grateful for your concern towards me." So Mindy said "Wasn't it a bit too formal? Come on Rose....... we are your friends not your guests."But still somethings are meant to be kept to yourselves only. Some things, some feelings, cannot be shared even if we want to. This isn't anyone's fault. But it is just the way it is supposed to be.<<time skip>>So today is the last day for me to be in this hospital. And to frankly tell you about my journey here, It wasn't that boring as I got good neighbours to accompany me. Its been a month since I last met Yuan, Mindy and Tiyane. It seems they have forgot me. They have forgotten my existence, they have forgotten about my presence. I feel so frustrated. Probably they were not the ones who I was supposed to meet as they were for their own means to. I did the formalities of getting out of the hospital as my so called 'friends' and 'boyfriend' didn't turn up at last moment. It feels as if they are ignoring me just for making their relationship better as they know in the end I would be of no use to them. I still had some hope as I got out of the hospital with my stuff. I still thought that they weren't that bad after all and would surely be waiting for me outside with a surprise and smile on their face to make me feel happy on my discharge and waiting for me to throw a party for them. But its all in my mind as they aren't here. I call a taxi and still wait a bit before getting into it with a tiny bit of hope in my heart. Then I check their moments on Instagram and find out that they have changed their plan and are in Hawaii without even informing me. Without even considering me. I decided to go home and wait for their calls(at least) and waited for an explanation. But my wait was not worth them. There was not even a single message from their side. It seemed as if they had formed an alliance which was against me. I slept on the sofa itself in sitting position.<<time skip>>The next day I woke up and was literally very angry. Both tears and anger filled my eyes. I had no one left with me. Then a thought came into my mind which I would never think of again. That thought was:Maybe it was better if I hadn't agreed for getting the operation done.Well,.... so I carried on with my work and it was not until 00:00 that I finally gave up.Cheers of everyone could be heard echoing in the society. They were all dancing with their music on and were wishing each other Happy New Year. I got up hardly as I felt heavy, my heart felt heavy. Then I went to my room slipped into my blanket and started weeping and sobbing hardly. I imagined my sister stoking her hand on my head and heard her saying"Cry it all out Rose. Cry as much as you can. Don't overfill your heart. Don't burden it so much."The next morning I had just woke up when I heard people talking and then heard the lock of my door click open.I stood up and with anger, I went to the door and slapped Yuan very hard. As I did so, tears fell from cheeks and my eyes abandoned all my tears. I yelled at him at the top of my voice while Mindy and Tiyane stood there like a stone watching me vent all my anger and feelings out on Yuan.I yelled"What kind of boyfriend you are!? Aren't you ashamed. While your girlfriend was there in the hospital suffering, you went out with these useless friends of mine and left me alone. That was fine, But you neither messaged me nor called me. And worse than that was you not even coming while I was discharged out of the hospital. And what about you spending your first New Year with me as your girlfriend? Don't you want me anymore!? Have you got someone else who is better than me!?"Then the worst thing ever happened in my life. A girl who was more sexier, slimmer and beautiful than me came out from behind him with an innocent face behind which her evilness, darkness and wickedness lied.

A Love Which Was Never Meant To BeOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara