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"Niall, I don't belong in your world," She mumbled softly, thinking about the person he was and how different her life was compared to his. "My place is here; you don't need to show off for me."

"Showin' off?" He snorted, "I wan' to make ya see all the good things in life, Ocean. That ain't showin' off, that's just tellin' it like it is. Plus, it'd be you I'd show off and not meself."

To that, Ocean laughed lightly and turned around again to face him. 

"Have ya ever been to Ireland?" He continued, a hint of excitement surfacing in his tone, as he tucked a blue strand of hair behind her pierced ear. 


"Well ya should go, 'cause Ireland is the best country that there is, and I'm not jus' sayin' that 'cause I'm from there. I honest to God, mean it. Ya don't have to travel far to see a beau'iful place! Ya'll love it there, 'cause you'll fit righ' in." He twitched as he winked at her. "There's a place I used to go of'en as a child; a hill where I would lie on and stare at the sky until the stars would come out." His blue eyes began darkening as he stared into the ocean that was her eyes. "They would take ya breath away, as soon as ya looked at them. Makin' ya feel mesmerised by them, 'cause they're the most beau'iful thing ya've ever seen. It's like they swallow ya in, and make you forget abou' everythin' around ya. You feel this knot in ya stomach, 'cause ya know you've never felt more alive than ya have right then."

Ocean felt his hand on her cheek, and by the way he was looking at her, she knew he was no longer speaking about the actual stars. 

"And when the sun came out, ya know there has never been a more goregeous wonder than that one. 'Cause when the light merges with dawn, it creates these breathtakin' nuances that ya're never quite sure which colour they truly are 'cause they're always so different. But ya can never get enough of them. Ya feel like ya want to steal a part of the beau'y and take it along with ya, 'cause at least ya know it'll be a part of you. Ya feel protective over it, 'cause you don't want anyone else wantin' a part of that beau'y either, 'cause ya want it all to yourself." Niall was stroking her cheek and was so lost in that moment that he almost didn't hear his phone ring. 

After the ringotone echoed louder, both parties finally registered the sound and pulled apart. Ocean had to blink in order to break the trance she was locked inside of and adjust to reality again. She got up and walked to the toilet, giving Niall the privacy to take the call. 

"Barbara?" He sounded surprised, as the name of the girl travelled down to the toilet where Ocean was washing her face. The girl with silvery-blue hair remained nonchalant as she heard Niall's short laugh and then say, "Yeah, 'course I'll be there. I need to show up. Alrigh' I have to go."

Ocean got back to the room trying her best to remain normal and unfazed. Niall was in the process of putting his phone back in his pocket, just as the girl got into bed aware that her mood had dropped and that it was evident for him to see. She obviously didn't know who the girl was, and she didn't care for that matter. However, due to his surprised tone when he heard her voice told her that she wasn't just a regular friend. He wanted to avoid the call and what angered her was that she couldn't believe she had just opened up to this guy who was clearly had some kind of relation with this Barbara.

She may have been quick to persume the worst, but she was already used to these type of guys. But that was exactly what angered her, because Niall wasn't the typical guy she was used to. However, this was proving otherwise and for that she felt stupid for never learning from her mistakes. She knew she should have listened to Zach when he said he must be two-timing her. 

"I'm tired." She murmurmed as she turned her back on him. She knew it was still daytime but she really wasn't up to talking about it. 

Niall nodded understanding, even though he wasn't sure why she was acting like that. One thing he knew for sure, was to let her be. 

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