Chapter 16

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Levi's POV

I go back to my car and wake up who I think is Kyle. I honestly can't remember, and I don't really care to. "Wake up," I say as I slap his arm, not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough for him to jolt awake and head but me. We both groan in pain before I glared at him, "It's your turn to drive." I said with more attitude than I intended but he got out of the car and went to the driver's seat as I sat in the back while Tyler I think, was sitting in the passenger's seat sleeping like a baby. 'Oh how I would love to slap him upside the head and ruin his sleep.' I think to myself, before I knew it I leaned over and slapped him across his head and quickly sat back in my sleep to pretend I was sleeping the entire time. I felt him jolt awake, the same way Kyle did and looked behind him to see me "sleeping." After a few seconds, I hear a slap and Kyle groaning in pain again. "What the hell dude?" I hear Kyle ask, "What the hell? Really? You hit me first." I had to stop myself from laughing. "Bro, no I didn't. Levi did." Tyler then moved again in his seat to what I assume is to look at me. "He's sleeping." I hear Kyle scoff, "No one falls asleep that fast, we just switched places." I hear yet another slap, Kyle laughing and Tyler groaning in pain. "Dumbass." I hear Kyle say, "Shut it pip squeak." I opened my eyes to see Tyler looking at me. "You really had to ruin my sleep?" I looked at him and started dying of laughter while nodding. "You looked so peaceful! I had to ruin it!" I say in between fits of laughter. "He shook his head, laughing a little as he did so, turning around in his seat to face the front of the car. I stopped laughing and actually fell asleep this time.

Destiny's POV

Around late afternoon, I had awoken to Marsyl humming slightly. "Good morning sunshine." She said, I groan in return. "Where are we?" I questioned, she looked at me before looking at the road again. "No idea." I looked at her a bit shocked before I turned around to see Ary sleeping soundly still. 'How is she still sleeping?' I thought to myself. "So, how'd you sleep?" I looked at her and shrugged. "How do you not know where we are?" She looked at me and shrugged before turning back to the road and continued driving. For about two minutes the entire car was silent until Ary started moving indicating that she was waking up. "Where are we?" I looked at Marsyl and she looked at me before looking at Ary through the rearview mirror. "I have no idea." Ary nodded and laid back down to go back to sleep. "How does one manage to sleep so much in a car?" Marsyl looked at me and shrugged. "I couldn't tell you." I looked at her and back to Ary. "I wonder what's going through her head." Marsyl looked at me and shrugged. "I couldn't tell you. She seems like the type that doesn't ever talk about what's going on." I looked at her, "Yeah, she is. We all are." She looked at me and back at the road. "I guess it doesn't really matter now. We made it to D.C." I looked at her and out the window and saw that the capital was practically destroyed. "Well this looks like a bust," I hear Ary say. I turned around and looked at her. "There's gotta be something somewhere for us. We can't just continue like this." Marsyl looked at me, "That's the thing we are gonna continue like this. We can see about overseas if it's any better than here." I looked at her, "Yeah, it's not like we don't have a boat and don't already have zero hope if the capital has been hit so has everything else." She looked at me when anger flashed in her eyes, but was completely gone as fast as it appeared. "Listen, we need to have some kind of hope. Hope is the only thing going to keep us alive now. We can and will continue. We'll search here and proceed that way." I looked at her and nodded, she pulled over the car, turned it off, and got out as the rest of us did the same. "Well would we look at that, it was a bust like we said." I heard Tyler say, no surprise that he was the one that said that. "Marsyl, why are we still with her? Atlanta was a bust and the only reason we were with her was to get a free ride, which might I remind you, we didn't even get that." I looked over at them, "It doesn't matter. We all need each other more now than we ever did. Keep your trap shut." I walked over to the center of the road, "We're staying here for a bit and then we will find somewhere else." They all nodded, and we began to look for somewhere even remotely safe for us to stay for a little bit.

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