Chapter 11

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Destiny's POV

We finally finished our hunt for supplies and got back to the car. I realized that Ary is not in the car. "Ary!" I yell out. I realized that she wasn't near anyone. "Has anyone seen Ary?" I called out and everyone shook their heads. One person said, "I haven't seen her since she went with you guys to get supplies." I growl under my breath, 'You've got to be fucking kidding me.' I think to myself and set off into the woods. I looked for her for about an hour before I sat down and put my head in my hands. 'Where could she have gone?' I thought to myself over and over.

Ary's POV

I was walking around in the woods before I found a rock and sat. 'What did I do?' I thought to myself, when I heard a branch snap.I went to go pull out my knife when I realize that it's missing. 'Damnit. I left it at camp.' I saw a zombie come towards me and I realized that they're about six to eight others. I froze for a second to think of what to do before I ran deeper into the woods trying to put as much space between us as possible. After about ten minutes of running I find a tree low enough I can climb but high enough to hide me and get me out of the zombies reach. I climb up the tree and I stay there very quiet waiting for them to either pass or seperate enough so I can get out.

Destiny's POV

I walked back to the camp and I realized that Ary still isn't back. I looked around and I saw her knife laying there. 'She really left this here. Urg.' I thought to myself before Marsyl walked over to me. "Hey, we gotta get moving. We don't know where she is and she is most likely dead. We need to get to atlanta." I looked at her, "There is no refugee center! You and I both know that, hell everyone does! We are not leaving with my sister. I already failed once. I'm not failing again!" She looked shocked for a second before nodding and walking away. I decided to back out into the woods to find my sister. I looked around until the sun started to set before I started heading back to camp. 'Wow, she really left. Without nothing as well.' I thought, shaking my head as I realized that we're going to have to leave and that means we'll leave her behind. 'No. You made a promise to Bassy to protect the two of them and your mom. You failed once, you cannot leave her behind.' My inner voice kept telling me over and over again as I walked back to the camp area.

Ary's POV

I open my eyes to see that I'm still in the tree, but it's dark and the zombies are gone. 'Darn it. What am I going to do? I don't know if she's worried or not, but what if they left?' I thought to myself, beginning to panic. 'Calm down! She wouldn't leave you behind. We all know her conscience couldn't live with that.' I nodded at the thought and slowly climbed down the tree. Once my feet touch the ground, I turn behind me and begin walking. 'I'll eventually find the road we're on. I'll be fine.' I think to myself, of course I don't have any weapons on me, just my luck right?


Ary's POV

It's now dawn and the sun is rising. I still haven't made it to the road but I feel that I'm almost there. I kept walking towards the direction that I think is right until I heard people talking. In a panic, I climbed up the closet tree and sat on the highest branch I could get to. "We need to get out of here. We don't know where the crazy bastard is." I heard a voice say before I heard another one say, "I already found you. Did you really think you were able to run from me?" The other person said. 'Well, we're all screwed.

694 words

A/N: Hello my beautiful angels! This is a short chapter! Next chapter I'm introducing 2 new main characters! I'm so excited! I hope you guys enjoyed and I hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night! As always, I love you all so much! Until next time, bye bye!


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